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Day 35
C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories
Aves Department
Section 3

DR. JEANINE PIERCE felt her heart stop. There in her office was Dr. Grant, his expression as dark and scheming as ever. His large frame completely blocked the exit from view, and suddenly her office felt too small. Panic rose up in her chest and she jumped up from her chair, putting it between her and Dr. Grant. Seeing her reaction to his presence, the firm line of his mouth upturned into a cruel smirk that sent shivers down her spine.

After a few uncomfortably silent moments, she found her voice. "D-Dr. Grant, please forgive me for not greeting you properly" she said as she walked cautiously around her desk to stand before him, "had I known you were coming..."

"Spare me the pleasantries Jeanine," Dr. Grant deadpanned, his smirk disappeared as his expression resumed its stony visage.

"S-Sir?" Jeanine questioned, trying her best to keep the surprise from her voice.

"And now you have the gall to act confused," Dr. Grant mused, looking around the room unimpressed.

Jeanine took a breath. "Sir..." she started "I'm afraid I don't understand what I have done to offend you. I have done everything you have asked of me. Believe me when I say my confusion is genuine," She finished, her voice taking on a defensive tone.

"A week," He began, reaching in his suit pocket to pull out a small black box with a red button in the center. "That's what I gave you," He said as he toyed with the device in his hands, rubbing his thumb over the button while keeping his steely gaze on Jeanine.

She swallowed. "Y-Yes, but I was successful. I sent you the results of the test, the subject is..."

"Worthless!" Dr. Grant growled, taking a domineering step forward.

It took everything in her to not take a step back, but she was determined. She saw the results of Elias's test, and surely after all the years of trial and error in creating Elias, Dr. Grant knew that he was too valuable to be terminated. She just had to make him see that.

She had to.

Squaring her shoulders, she met Dr. Grant's cool gaze with a challenging look of her own.

"Sir, with all due respect, you and I both know the subject is extremely valuable. Not only does his mere existence proves the true capabilities of genetic manipulation, but his resilience to the toxins that will soon pollute our atmosphere makes him the only hope for humanity. He is the solution, Richard!" Jeanine finished, her face flushing red with frustration.

At the sound of his first name, Dr. Grant stiffened, regarding her with an unknown emotion etched into his cruel features.

When after a few breaths he had yet to respond, Jeanine continued, "You gave up on him..." she said, her voice softening, "but I didn't, I knew that he would be the answer and after all these years, turns out I was right! With the subject's genetic code as a guide, we can come out to the board and show them what you've done to help humanity!" She argued, her voice rising with the hope that, since he remained silent, she had finally gotten through to him.

However, as soon as she mentioned the Board, his demeanor soured. His brows knit together, and the rigid line of his lip curled into the making of a snarl.

"Oh Jeanine," He started, his voice deeper and darker than she had ever heard. "You of all people should know me better than to assume I ever had such noble intentions," Dr. Grant drawled, tilting his head to regard her menacingly.

Jeanine felt her breath begin to quicken. This was not the response she was expecting.

"W-What do you mean?" She questioned, internally cursing her voice for sounding so small and breathless.

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