Being an animal

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I was startled awake by the sound of metal banging, my head peeking out from under the pet bed. I eyed a demon opening one of the cages and shuffling about.

A grunting sound could be heard and the cat faced demon tugged harshly on a chain linked leash. The human attached stumbled after the demon, staring at the ground, their metal collar visible.

"Great, it's outdoors time" huffed the woman from last night, now that I could see better, I noticed the same metal collars on all of them.

At least leather was soft.

"Outdoors time?" I croaked, feeling far more thirsty. I drank from the bowl and sighed, picking at the food absentmindedly. I could feel the woman looking at me, the silence awkward.

She released a sigh. "It's when we are allowed outside." She explained, watching the demon come back into the tent to get another person.

"Like we're fucking animals" exclaimed a man, he glowered angrily at the demon who was tugging another person by the chain leash.

"Don't talk like that!" Snapped someone else, I cringed and thought of my owner, he hasn't come back.

"We're forced to eat from bowls and are put on leads, sounds like animals to me" snapped the man, I sighed and looked down at the empty bowl.

I could feel someone else's gaze on me, I glanced back at the guy from last night. He was examining my body with an odd look in his eyes, I shuddered and cuddled myself.

"Kind of like we're at a pound for dogs" he pointed out. Grumbling could be heard and then the area fell silent as the demon emptied out the cages, there were 10 people in total.

I stared nervously up at it as it entered my cage, I really don't trust these cat faced demons. Not after the one hit me.

It reached down roughly and gripped my collar, I froze up and remained deathly still as it clipped the chain leash to the loop on my collar.

It tugged harshly and I stumbled onto my feet, quietly following behind. I squinted as harsh sunlight burnt into my eyes. I blinked quickly before looking around.

It led me to a large corral, the other people were sitting on the sand, I watched the demon connect the chain to a post and walk away.

There was a distinctive smell of shit, and I could feel the judgmental gaze of the people. I shuffled up to a wooden post and cuddled myself protectively.

Time passed as I remained in my spot, even ignoring the people as they began to walk around and talk. I cringed away as the staring guy sat beside me, his eyes staring at my privates.

"You know, if we're animals.... We can have some good fun right now" he purred, I shuffled away and shook my head.

"No" I gasped, I covered my body and mentally cursed my owner.... Ex owner.... He's abandoned me here.... Like my family.....

"Aw, don't be shy. You're practically begging for some fun" he snickered, I looked around nervously, hating how he basically stared through my weak defense. They looked away from me when I met their eyes, even the woman who defended me.

I would have preferred being groomed by the male demon or wolf, at least they didn't stare at my boobs.

He tried moving closer, only stopping as his chain didn't quite reach far enough. He moved away after I refused to pay him any attention.

I felt sick to my stomach.

And so a few days passed, with everyone being chained to the same spot each day and my food and water always full each night and morning.

The guy never shutting up about fucking me. He didn't stop.

I glanced up at a familiar sound and noticed a familiar spider faced demon. It vanished and I felt slightly betrayed, it'd always been so nice to me. I just want to be patted once more.

What am I even thinking....

I gripped the post and stood up, looking around the grassy area.

Come back....

I could see the cat faced demon sitting at a table, seeming to be using some kind of tablet. I glanced back where the spider faced one had been and sighed once more.

"Turn around, I wanna see the rest" called the guy, I shuddered and tensed up.

I almost shouted when a spidery face flashed Infront of me, I only managed a squeak and flinched in surprise. It let out a soft and calming whistle, I sighed and lowered my head feeling the gentle impact of it's hand.

I stifled a sob.

Abandoned twice now.

It's hand ran through my hair as it remained silent, watching me carefully.

I had been so eager to be a pet... Finding a moment of peace where I was safe and cared for.... I knew the hope would hurt me.

It let out another whistle and I looked up at it, glancing at the cat demon briefly, it was watching quietly. The spider faced one examined my teary eyes and turned away, quickly vanishing.

I sighed and returned into a sitting position, gazing at the grassy field, a dirt car park sat to the side of the hotel. Alone. With noone else to care about me.

"What was that?" Exclaimed one of the people, I'm not surprised they're shocked. I had never seen one of the spider faced ones before I got taken.

"Gross" wailed one of them, that word shouldn't have annoyed me as much as it did.

"It's.... It's..." I stammered, trying to find the least dangerous name to call the demon.

"Cuddles?" I guessed, suddenly overcome with the stupidity and hilarity of it all. Yep. Cuddles.

"Cuddles?" Asked a man, squinting at me suspiciously, I slowly nodded.

"Yea...." I agreed, deciding not to back out now that I've started this strange conversation.

"It's... So gross though! It has those creepy hairy mouth things spiders have!" Exclaimed a girl, I was confused. Did they really feel it was good to judge the demons?

"And all those eyes" shuddered a man. I paused and sighed, I wouldn't be able to get them to see anything else.

What has my time with the demons changed in me..... These people would have been me..... If they chose to defend me and stopped the guy from being creepy.

I could feel safe among my own people....

I should have known I'd be abandoned.... Noone actually cares about me... Not even my own parents....

"I bet you've done more then cuddle" snickered the creepy guy, I shuddered and covered my ears.

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