Surprised Upset Grateful Awkwardness

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Anna got a text from Namjoon saying that they would all be staying late and not to wait for them. She looked around at all the food she had spent the afternoon cooking. For a moment Anna was disappointed and at a loss for what to do, but then it hit her. If they can't come home for dinner, maybe she can bring dinner to them. She texted him back asking if they had eaten yet. When he replied no, she told him not to order anything, before quickly looking for containers to put the food she had made in.

When she arrived at the company, she messaged Namjoon again asking where everyone was. Luckily most of them were in the lounge taking a break before going back to work. Instead of wandering around the building aimlessly searching for the correct room, Anna told Namjoon she was there, and he sent Jungkook down to fetch her. When she walked into the break room it was surreal. They had done a lot of lives in this room and it was weird to be there in person.

"Noona brought us food!"

Jungkook held up the bags that he had insisted on carrying for Anna.

"You didn't need to do that... wait, did you cook all this?"


Anna hesitated; she didn't want to admit that she had spent all day working on this, searching for recipes, planning what order to do everything, and preparing the ingredients. She didn't want them to feel bad.

"I wanted to practice cooking some Korean dishes."

Jin looked at all the different dishes Anna had prepared.

"This must have taken all day."

"And we couldn't make it home for dinner."

"Sorry Anna."

"Why are you sorry?"

"You went through so much trouble and we couldn't come home."

"Don't worry. It's fine. This is the life of an idol, right?"

Her words made them all feel sad. Taehyung couldn't stop himself from throwing his arms around Anna in a big hug.

"Is Yoongi in his studio? I'll take him some food."

"That's okay; we can take it to him."

"No, no. I can do it. You eat."

Anna didn't want to admit that she wanted an excuse to go inside the Genius Lab. They gave her instructions on where to go and she soon found herself outside Yoongi's studio, ringing his doorbell. She was filled with nervous excitement as she waited for the door to open. I hope he won't mind me interrupting. What if he's taking a nap? He will be annoyed and grumpy! Her thoughts kept her distracted enough that when the door did open, she didn't see Yoongi's frown. However, as soon as he saw it was Anna at his door, his expression softened.

"Anna? Come in."

"I brought food."

"Thank you. I'm starving."

Yoongi dug into the food.

"Where did you get this?"

"Oh, um, I made it. Is it okay?"

"You cook this?"

Anna nodded. At this point, she couldn't tell whether he liked it or not.

"It good."

If anyone had been looking at her at that moment, they would have seen her beaming. While Yoongi tucked into the food, Anna slowly sat down on the sofa behind him, trying not to catch the producer's attention. Although, she was sure that if he didn't want her to stay he would tell her. She wasn't going to miss her chance to spend time with him.

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