chapter thirty-two

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TODAY HAS BEEN nonstop since I got on campus, putting in the last hours to finish my sculpture before final submission. It felt like the day would never end, but after talking to Stevie, I don't think even a long day could ruin my good mood.

As I step outside the art building, my phone starts to ring in my back pocket. "Hey," I say, answering immediately when I see Isla's name on the screen.

"Hey! How'd it go with Stevie?"

"Good," I say, nodding to myself. "I was worried about nothing."

"The only reason you were worried is because you love her so much," Isla says. "It's not a bad thing, Robby, but I am glad you got out of your own head."

"Yeah, me too," I say when I spot Greyson leaning against the front of his car. "Hey, Greyson's here, so I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, yeah," she says with a laugh. "Go be with your boyfriend."

I grin at the sound of boyfriend in reference to Greyson. "Bye Isla."

"Hey goregou—"

I cut him off before he can finish by pressing my lips to his, grasping the lapels of his green blazer and sink into him. This doesn't scare me the way it should, because he doesn't scare me. He's perfect and I'm falling for him, harder than I thought I could. Nothing about jumping into this has me worried or afraid. I want this. I want him.

"Hi to you too," he says when I pull away, brushing his thumb over my jaw.

"Hi." I smile, smoothing out the front of his blazer. "What is all this for?"

"Well, I know we kind of started in a non-traditional way, but I believe I owe you a first date." He holds a red rose, that up to this point I didn't notice, up. "If you're interested?"

"If I'm interested," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Dumb question?"

I scrunch up my nose as I nod, before leaning in to kiss him. "A date sounds perfect."

"Then a date is what you shall get."

"You know what makes it even better?" I ask as I accept the rose, bringing it to my nose.


"That I can tell Stevie all about it after," I say, not even realizing how giddy that makes me. For so long, I feared that if this ever happened between us I wouldn't get to, but knowing that I can call my best friend to gush about the guy I'm falling in love with makes all of this so much better. I never want to keep anything from Stevie, and now, I don't have to.

"You told her?"

I nod. "And she thinks were perfect together."

His lips curl up as he leans in, kissing my cheek. "I never had any doubts."

"Sure, you didn't," I say as I climb into the passenger seat, shooting him a playful look as he shuts the door and walks around to the driver's side. His fingers slip between the cracks of mine the second he's backed out of the parking stall, holding it until we're home, and I can't keep the smile off my face.

This should be nauseating.

My happiness feels unrealistic. People shouldn't be allowed to feel this happy, but here I am, beaming as my stomach flip flops out of control. There is something about this feeling so right that makes me ready to free fall because this, being this happy, is worth it. Greyson is worth it. He's worth everything.

"What's got you so smiley over there?"

"Nothing," I say with the shake of my head, not being able to wipe the smile off my face. "I'm just happy."

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