>Chapter 8<

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*Monday morning*

Taehyung's POV

You woke up in the morning, took a shower and went downstairs. You didn't see Y/n, sonyou went to call her.

Taehyung: *knock* *knock* Y/n?

No answer.

Taehyung: Helllloooooo, Y/n

Still no answer.

You picked the lock and went inside to see Y/n sleeping peacefully. You went o wake her up.

Taehyung: Y/n, wake up, we gotta go to work.

Y/n: Hmmm, go yourself.

Taehyung: .....who's gonna help me in the office.

Y/n: Go help yourself.

Taehyung: *rolls eyes*

You just left the room.

Taehyung: Mood swings, she must be on her period. *chuckles*

You left to work since you wanted to give Y/n the day off.

Y/n's POV

Since Taehyung left you took a bath and decided to go out, well this time, not to the cafe, but the bar.

Taehyung's POV

You entered the office when Namjoon (RM) phoned you.

Taehyung: Hello.

Namjoon: Yooo! What up.

Taehyung: Nothing, at the office.

Namjoon: We going to the bar, you comin'?

Taehyung: No.

Namjoon: Come on! Pleaseeee and we know you ain't busy.

Taehyung: I have a meeting at 12:00.

Namjoon: Okay, so at 14:00

Taehyung: I'll see.

Namjoon: Guyss hes coming.

Namjoon screamed to the others in the background.

Taheyung: I didnt say yes.

Namjoon: Oh please, you obviously will come, see ya.

Taehyung: K.

You put the phone down and continued your work.

Y/n's POV

You took the car to the park and decided to chill there for a while.

Y/n: Hes tryna control my life, I f**cking hate that! Oh but when we tell him anything he doesnt give a damn, I really dont care if my families company is unsuccessful, it can go to hell, everything about them is company, company, company by they give a damn about our future. I have to divorce him, I'm not allowing him to ruin my life, nope, never.

You chilled by the park for almost 3 hours looking at the families going by and playing with the animals, from there you went to the bar.

Taehyung's POV

You were waiting for Soo-ah before leaving to meet up with your friends.

Taehyung: Were the hell is this girl? I'm losing my patience.

You was about to go out to get something when Soo-ah came.

Soo-ah: Hello, sorry I'm late, traffic.

Taehyung: Hello, it's okay. Take a seat.

She took a seat and began talking about work and how she wanted become partners with me.

Taehyung: I'm doing really well on my own, I dont need any help.

Soo-ah: Are you sure? I'll be ver--

Taehyung: No, not trying to be rude but I'm not interested.

Soo-ah: Oh, okay. I'm always available if you're change your mind, thank you, have a nice day.

Taehyung: Hmm..you too.

You actually didnt like the fact that she wanted to partner up with you. She kept flirting with you to, like complimenting your hair and suit, which was unnecessary.

You got out of your office and drove to the bar.

Y/n's POV

You got to the bar and ordered a drink, a bit strong.

Bartender: Good day! What would you like to have?

Y/n: Something a bit strong.

Bartender: Sure, we'll bring you something right away.

The Bartender gave you or drink and you started to drink. You were relaxing when a drunk man, approached you.

Drunk guy: Hey beautiful.

You just ignored him. He started touching you and you pushed him.

Y/n: What the hell!

He came back and pulled you, he tried to force himself on you and was about to kiss you and somebody punched him.... and it was TAEHYUNG!

Taehyung's POV

You got to the bar were Namjoon and the others were (Jin, J-hope, suga, jungkook, jimin) and ordered something while talking to them.

Jungkook: Hows your day?

Taehyung: Nothing different.

Jimin: Shame.

All: *laughs*

Your'll were joking and all when you heard screaming from the counter. You looked to see what happened.

Suga: Ain't that your wife Taehyung?

Taehyung: What, were?

You took a closer look and Suga was right it was Y/n. You ran up to the man who were touching her and you punched him unconscious.

Taehyung: Y/n!

You said as you hugged her.

Y/n's POV

You looked up to see Taehyung.

Y/n: Taehyung? (What is he doing here?) UGH! Leave me alone for God's sake!

You pushed him and walked away when the grabbed you wrist.

Y/n: Let go!

Taehyung: No, we're going home.

Y/n: Go yourself.

Taehyung pulled you without listening to you and put you until he car and drive you home. Before your'll could reach home, you were out cold. He carried you to his room and put you down.

&gt;FORCED MARRIAGE&lt; KIM TAEHYUNGWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu