Humanity part 1

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Today was the day. The day Rebekah was finally starting her life, her human life.

"Are you sure? You can always back out..." Leo spoke softly as he held her hand in his...

Rebekah felt her heart pounding, it was between the man she loved and her dream of becoming a mother... "Leo, I... I have to do this"

"You don't have to do anything" He replied quickly

Elijah walked into the room and broke the tension, "sister" He took both of his sisters hands and looked into her blue eyes , "are you sure about this?"

"I think so" The blonde nodded before Elijah sighed in defeat. He handed her the small , red liquid filled, capsule that was the cure.

As the cure was placed into her hands, Rebekah's eyes widened at the sight of it, "I'm going to have to explain to my child why her uncles are either in a box or have a stock of blood in their fridge, aren't I?" She tried to lighten the mood...

When the blonde cracked open the small capsule , second by second she moved it closer to her lips... "wait!" Leo called out as he stopped her hand from moving anymore "please... don't take it Rebekah"

 don't take it Rebekah"

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"Leo..." Elijah stopped him "this is Rebekah's choice... we have to respect it"

The Salvatore faced Rebekah, his eyes pleading for her not to take the red liquid, "please Rebekah..."

"Leo, I..." Rebekah looked into his tearful eyes "can I talk to you? Alone..." She turned her head to face her brother , when Elijah nodded his head and left the room, the original took Leo's face in her hands , cupping both of his cheeks so that he couldn't move his gaze away from her eyes...
"I love you Leo" She said softly "being with you... it's all I have ever dreamt of, we haven't had the easiest of roads through out this century but I know that I love you, more then I've ever loved someone before"

"But..." Leo strung her sentence ...

"But" She sighed "I've been a vampire for over a thousand years, I was robbed of my life as a mother, and that's all I have ever wanted to be... a mother"

"I understand Rebekah but..." Leo tried

"I'm not finished" She stopped him "I know that you will move on..."

"Rebekah..." Leo shook his head with her hands still placed firmly on his cheeks "you... you made me realise what love is... I love you!" His voice was desperate.

"Last night... in your arms" Rebekah took a deep breath "is where I wanted to stay forever" , looking up into his eyes , she let out a shaky breath "your all I've ever wanted for a century, but for the past millennium, all I've ever wanted to be was a mother"

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