Hey dear readers,
          	Things haven’t exactly been in my favor since the past few months. There was a stage when writing was healing for me. But not anymore…I guess I need some time away from this screen and my crazy imagination.
          	I know that’s none of your concern…You guys are here for my stories but the thing is I can’t continue…I swear I tried! Since past two days I have been trying to make myself write but I just can’t…
          	Feel free to unfollow me but please do not question or criticize my actions.. Because even if you do, I wont know as I am not opening the site anytime soon.. So there’s no need to waste your energy. Remember, you guys will always continue to be my favorite people.
          	Not exactly a Bye Bye forever speech, dearies…I can’t do that to the few of you who are actually interested. I’ll be back. Don’t ask me when! Maybe a few months… Once I am fully detoxed. Till then..Bye!
          	PS- To sweethearts like Sehaj, Nits, Hetvi, Sharanya and all others with whom I have chatted either through watty or IG, I am sorry that we are losing contact. The IG account will be deactivated when I find the energy to actually open it and go through that tedious deletion process.


@ATIMAHS WE WILL BE BACK ONCE YOU ARE FULLY DETOXED. take your time everyone deserves a break!


@ATIMAHS It's okay and first please take care of yourself. Sometimes detoxification is much needed for a fresh start. So all the very best 


@ATIMAHS it's okay di just relax and take care for yourself. Whenever you will come back you will find us here only waiting for you. Don't stress out too much and give your mind a much needed break your health should be your priority for now and whenever you will be fine comeback with a bang.❤️:⁠-⁠):⁠-⁠)


I Absolutely love your books.
          Took a break and came back to ujala ,only to realise you have taken a break.
          Read Ujala in one go and it has completely blown my mind. I absolutely love the sahasveer parts(maybe bcoz I cannot see the raichands like this). Take care.
          Come back soon.


Hey dear readers,
          Things haven’t exactly been in my favor since the past few months. There was a stage when writing was healing for me. But not anymore…I guess I need some time away from this screen and my crazy imagination.
          I know that’s none of your concern…You guys are here for my stories but the thing is I can’t continue…I swear I tried! Since past two days I have been trying to make myself write but I just can’t…
          Feel free to unfollow me but please do not question or criticize my actions.. Because even if you do, I wont know as I am not opening the site anytime soon.. So there’s no need to waste your energy. Remember, you guys will always continue to be my favorite people.
          Not exactly a Bye Bye forever speech, dearies…I can’t do that to the few of you who are actually interested. I’ll be back. Don’t ask me when! Maybe a few months… Once I am fully detoxed. Till then..Bye!
          PS- To sweethearts like Sehaj, Nits, Hetvi, Sharanya and all others with whom I have chatted either through watty or IG, I am sorry that we are losing contact. The IG account will be deactivated when I find the energy to actually open it and go through that tedious deletion process.


@ATIMAHS WE WILL BE BACK ONCE YOU ARE FULLY DETOXED. take your time everyone deserves a break!


@ATIMAHS It's okay and first please take care of yourself. Sometimes detoxification is much needed for a fresh start. So all the very best 


@ATIMAHS it's okay di just relax and take care for yourself. Whenever you will come back you will find us here only waiting for you. Don't stress out too much and give your mind a much needed break your health should be your priority for now and whenever you will be fine comeback with a bang.❤️:⁠-⁠):⁠-⁠)


I was reading umeed again I miss the banter mehr has with her school guy friends..can you please make one of them her love interest..i know she young but please a bit of teen love would be fun to they meet and he falls in love with Rehem not knowing she is mehr .... please author ji..i will love you


@NutellaEmpress Well I dunno if u have the Prem Dor Prologue but there's definitely a hint! 
            And yeah Mehu's love story will be included in this book! (Nothing too extreme...just teen love , as u said). ❤️


the main story will be the main story but can this be something on the side please