
It's good to be back!
          	As I know some of you have noticed I have been on a writing spree and updated almost all of my stories (just 2 left I believe). I was starting to think my writer's block was permanent! Phew, panic over. 
          	The problem is the more I write, the more ideas I get for new stories! And I've promised myself not to write any new ones until I've finished some ongoing (which I've already broken, but I won't tell if you don't, lol). What I would like to do is write some short stories, but I have trouble writing endings because I never want the story to end. 
          	Anyway, thank you all for commenting and sharing your love of the new updates. It means the world to me and keeps me going. 


@ DayDreamRomantic  welcome back I really look forward to your differents stories, I can't wait to read the next chapters of your differents works


@DayDreamRomantic Welcome back
          	  I look forward to more of your works


 Yay Welcome back! *gives you a big hug*


It's good to be back!
          As I know some of you have noticed I have been on a writing spree and updated almost all of my stories (just 2 left I believe). I was starting to think my writer's block was permanent! Phew, panic over. 
          The problem is the more I write, the more ideas I get for new stories! And I've promised myself not to write any new ones until I've finished some ongoing (which I've already broken, but I won't tell if you don't, lol). What I would like to do is write some short stories, but I have trouble writing endings because I never want the story to end. 
          Anyway, thank you all for commenting and sharing your love of the new updates. It means the world to me and keeps me going. 


@ DayDreamRomantic  welcome back I really look forward to your differents stories, I can't wait to read the next chapters of your differents works


@DayDreamRomantic Welcome back
            I look forward to more of your works


 Yay Welcome back! *gives you a big hug*


Hey, I REALLY have liked getting to read your “chasing the storm” story. If you did decide at some point to do a gender swap with/for P’Pai, I would enjoy the chance of getting to read it. Thank you for writing such enjoyable stories.


@DM-mochi1990 Thank you so much. Someone else has also requested this and while I would be happy to do it I have a lot of stories on my plate at the moment. Once I've finished a few, I will give this story idea a go. 


Busy day!
          I finally broke through that writer's block. Lots of updates. 
          Don't forget to comment!
          Happy reading!




@DayDreamRomantic  Babe, I’ve been holding my breath for Make Me Stay updates! Ahh, I’m SO excited! Thank you!!


@DayDreamRomantic omg, I opened the app to many notifications of new chapters from your books, I'm so happy !!! 


Hey!! I really like both of your love in the air fanfics and while I was reading Chasing the Storm since you did a gender switch/OC character for a girl with P’Payu that got me wondering. Have you thought about doing the same gender switch/OC character for P’Pai? If not it’s okay I was curious is all since I love both Payu and P’Pai since they’re both really hot lol have a nice day and keep up the good work!!


Awesome and that’s totally fine take all the time you need, there’s no rush. I’ll definitely be ready for it!!


@TayNicole99 Thank you so much! I'm glad you are enjoying them! I did the Payu one first because their story was first and I loved him so much, but then after watching Prapai's story I loved him too, which is why I did my story 'Led By The Wind To The Sky'. I would be happy to do a gender-switch story with Prapai, but I have a lot of stories that I need to work on, including the Love In The Air ones, and less time than I used to to work on them. Maybe in the future though!


Hello everyone!
          I'm slowly starting to come back!
          Many of you will be pleased to know, I wrote 35% of the next chapter of Make Me STAY this morning. 
          This week I've been rereading all of my stories to refresh my memory. 
          I haven't figured out an update schedule yet, so they will still be whenever for now. You guys like to be surprised, right?
          I was planning to focus on Led by the Wind but the next chapter is giving me trouble  
          Thank you for your patience, for reading my stories and for all of your comments!


@dawnlabrstory I love the BTS story idea, but I have a lot of ongoing stories at the moment, so I think I should finish some of them before starting anything new. Perhaps in the future 


@DayDreamRomantic would you ever do a platonic Stray kids who are all soulmates to an foreign singer. (Please no MxM between members)
            Of maybe even a BTS platonic Idol Hybrids and Fem oc is their human mate. 


We look forward to your next up dates ♥️


The first chapter of the story I am writing as a part of a university project is up! 
          It's called The Soulmate Initiative.
          Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated!
          Depending on how it goes, I plan on publishing this story, so it may not be available to read for free on here forever. Just so that you are aware. 
          Thank you, my wonderful readers!


@DayDreamRomantic good luck with the university project. I am sure you will do well.


So, it's been a couple of weeks since I last updated anything and I have some announcements regarding this.
          One, I will be going on a semi-hiatus for the next two months. I have an end-of-year show for my university course then and I have decided to write a story to go with my exhibition piece and I need to concentrate all my writing power on that to finish in time. The good news is that I plan on publishing that story on here (and I would be grateful for any feedback from my wonderful readers)! It's an original story, but it still involves soulmates and Korea, so hopefully you will still enjoy it.
          Second, my updates on here have been getting less and less frequent and it makes me sad. I noticed that I have 21 published stories (only 2? of which are complete) and 15 drafts...) Needless to say, I have spread myself too thin and therefore have come up with a plan.
          From now on I will focus on one story (or maybe two) at a time until they are finished. Chapter Two and Make Me STAY (and probably The A-Z of Love) will be exceptions to this and I will try to update them as often as I am able.
          I plan to start with the most completed story, Led by the Wind into the Sky, and maybe Scarlett's Sister. However, feel free to vote in the comments if you want a particular story to be finished first.
          I'll see how this goes and hopefully, I'll be able to get back into a regular updating schedule!
          Thank you all for being so patient!


I wish you the best of luck with your work. I am sure you will do great  Don't worry about the updates. Focus on your work and relax :) 


Ooouuuuu good luck!! And ofc enjoy your writing process!! <33 