
Silly parodies aside for a minute ---
          	Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons is now available on Kerning (kerning.app), a new writing platform that launched yesterday! It's brand new and has a few bugs and missing features still, but I'm super excited about it. On Kerning, you can find books for free, and authors earn part of the ad revenue generated by their readers!
          	I'm hoping to release DTOD's sequel early on Kerning, as I want to make it my main platform once the glitches are smoothed out and new features are added. It'll be posted to Wattpad a few months later for those of you who won't want to follow me there.
          	I hope some of your, readers and writers alike, are curious enough to check out this cool platform and support the almost 200 authors (including me!) who've helped found it. 
          	So if you were planning on reading DTOD, or re-reading it to find all my clues and foreshadowing (or just because you miss it and I'm too slow to write the sequel), why not check it out on Kerning? Hope I'll see you around!
          	(but also check out the new chapters of Candy, Friendships and Other Nice Things if you haven't yet)


@destinyrene309 yes! Unless wattpad decides to delete it hahah


@HappyCoati will you still have it on here just wondering 


rip the private messages now i have to expose myself out here 
          and i arrive during one of my very rare wattpad visits to find a DELICIOUS NEW COVER?
          anyways i hope you're doing well <33




fast question,  how did you get your story setup with Text to Speech.  details are sparse, but I also could be looking in the wrong place.  thank you


@jmloveinlaodicea when i got it, it used to be a form, but apparently its been discontinued :( I've heard people tried to get it by adding the texttospeech tag to the books but I don't know if that works


Thanks for following.  I am thoroughly enjoying , Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons, so much I will probably be recommending to by fellow Top7 (our little review we do) for one our upcoming features when we do action / adventure.  Also I also grew up in the Southwest and have come across coati's when I was younger.  Amazing little creatures that don't get enough respect.  Keep writing, look forward to your next work.   - Jay


@jmloveinlaodicea oh wow, that's so cool!! Massive thanks for all the lovely words, I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy the rest of the book!
            And woohoo for coatis! I fell in love with them when a wild one decided to walk by my side in the jungle for a while lol


Thank you so much for the stars of my story, I hope you enjoy reading, and I hope you like magic bunny ! ❤️
          (Sorry my English is very bad snif-.)


@HappyCoati et bien tu viens de te trouver une autrice et une amie haha !


@EllanaMidendorf Haha oui j'ai commencé a écrire ici en anglais mais je viens tout juste de poster la traduction de mon premier livre en français alors je cherchais d'autres auteurs dans cette toute nouvelle (pour moi mdr) communauté!


Silly parodies aside for a minute ---
          Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons is now available on Kerning (kerning.app), a new writing platform that launched yesterday! It's brand new and has a few bugs and missing features still, but I'm super excited about it. On Kerning, you can find books for free, and authors earn part of the ad revenue generated by their readers!
          I'm hoping to release DTOD's sequel early on Kerning, as I want to make it my main platform once the glitches are smoothed out and new features are added. It'll be posted to Wattpad a few months later for those of you who won't want to follow me there.
          I hope some of your, readers and writers alike, are curious enough to check out this cool platform and support the almost 200 authors (including me!) who've helped found it. 
          So if you were planning on reading DTOD, or re-reading it to find all my clues and foreshadowing (or just because you miss it and I'm too slow to write the sequel), why not check it out on Kerning? Hope I'll see you around!
          (but also check out the new chapters of Candy, Friendships and Other Nice Things if you haven't yet)


@destinyrene309 yes! Unless wattpad decides to delete it hahah


@HappyCoati will you still have it on here just wondering 


I've started a new story. Hopefully this one doesn't get shadowbanned <3


Oh and I fell for it! All I can think is how bad I want the sequel!  


@Bstarroyer it's a joke i'm not going to waste much time on it lol


Well this sad news. 


Today marks a month since both of my stories were shadowbanned.
          And thus a tear rolls down my cheek


@sequoia2233874 all my books are cross-posted to Inkitt so you can find them there too! Fortunately for my readers, my books can still be found on my Wattpad profile, but unfortunately for me, they can ONLY be found on my profile, which makes it impossible for me to find any new readers. :(


@Spaghet667 this is the only theory i'm willing to believe