
First of all, I want to apologize to all of my readers.  I keep disappearing for weeks at a time without really letting you know what is going on.  In the end of April, my husband filed unexpectedly for divorce.  I moved in with my mom and then was sick during the end of May.  In early June, I found out my ex mother in law (a woman I was extremely close to) had cancer then in the end of June, my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal lung cancer.  The last few months have literally been hell.  I was on summer break and looking forward to writing but I just didn't have the heart for it.  Even though things are still looking pretty dark at the moment, I really need writing as my outlet.  Thank you all so much for being patient with me and I hope to get back on a schedule soon.  I am currently in the process of updating a few stories and I will get them posted as soon as they are complete.  Thank you for hanging in there with me!  I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart!


@OT7oramI hi author I am your new fan you can say I love your story soulmates to you ot7 BTS one but you didn't  complete the story I know something had happened but also your fans are waiting for you to post new story we now that maybe you don't want to write but atleast tell us that you are fine and can't countinue writing please
          	  Please it's my request please tell us you are fine and doing great please 


I hope you are doing better and please don’t worry about us, we will wait as long as it takes 
          	  Focus on the things you need to focus on and take care of yourself you come first, always!


@OT7oramI Sending my love to you <3


Hello ms.author, i hope you are doing well, i just want to know if are still going to continue your book soulmate to you?ive been waiting for the update, ireally love your booki hope you are doing well, i will wait till you update againtake care and always be safe