
Thank you for a thousand reads on Debt of Skin! You all have been so kind, so I want to give a special thank you to everyone who’s been commenting, voting, or simply reading! I know that the slight shift in genre is not expected of me, so the people who are choosing to read regardless really mean a lot to me! 
          	I was so worried that everyone would think it was stupid and wouldn’t want to read if I didn’t just write high school realistic fiction novels for the rest of my life. But you have already proved me so wrong!!
          	Big hugs :)) <3


Thank you for a thousand reads on Debt of Skin! You all have been so kind, so I want to give a special thank you to everyone who’s been commenting, voting, or simply reading! I know that the slight shift in genre is not expected of me, so the people who are choosing to read regardless really mean a lot to me! 
          I was so worried that everyone would think it was stupid and wouldn’t want to read if I didn’t just write high school realistic fiction novels for the rest of my life. But you have already proved me so wrong!!
          Big hugs :)) <3


Also I hope everyone likes the new cover for Debt of Skin. The og one was supposed to be temporary, so I hope this one is better!


@mariahart97 I’m glad you were so moved by the cover!! And I promise they will! <33


@Promise_Me_Hope IDK whats so specific about the new cover but I'm tearing up over it. Yknow, vibes!!
            I just know, they are going to fall hard for each other. Bad bad harder.


this message may be offensive
i turned nineteen yesterday. eighteen was the worst year of my life. everything that could have went wrong somehow managed to. i have never been so low, it’s truly astounding just how shit everything was. 
          but here’s to nineteen. hopefully it’s better. Cheers !


@JiminsButter zodiac twins! Also happy belated birthday to you as well, I hope you had a nice birthday :) <3


@chrysty13 thank you, and I like what you did there lmao <3