
Are you guys actually being notified when I post?? Because I’m just now realising now many books I have saved and haven’t been notified of updates. Is that why reads have been so bad recently? Is it a wattpad issue or am I just writing for dead fandoms lol. 
          	Like I went from around 100 reads a day to 37 in like a week, so I’m assuming it’s a wattpad issue because it was so quick of a decline. 


@adventuretimefanitc  I don’t get notifications but I check pretty regularly


I mean my notifs are off in my settings, but I always check in app 


@ adventuretimefanitc  most time, yes, but sometimes wattpad is a little twat and just steals the notifications, and then you discover months after that there was an update but it wasn't even listed on the update wall


Are you guys actually being notified when I post?? Because I’m just now realising now many books I have saved and haven’t been notified of updates. Is that why reads have been so bad recently? Is it a wattpad issue or am I just writing for dead fandoms lol. 
          Like I went from around 100 reads a day to 37 in like a week, so I’m assuming it’s a wattpad issue because it was so quick of a decline. 


@adventuretimefanitc  I don’t get notifications but I check pretty regularly


I mean my notifs are off in my settings, but I always check in app 


@ adventuretimefanitc  most time, yes, but sometimes wattpad is a little twat and just steals the notifications, and then you discover months after that there was an update but it wasn't even listed on the update wall


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Good news! We’re on a list for top surgery at last!
          Bad news, the consultation NOVEMBER NEXT YEAR because there’s only ONE top surgeon in the entire state and that’s just how long the wait list is. 
          AND I need $18000 to pay for it… that’s WITH Medicare btw. They don’t even cover HALF of the cost. How the FUCK can I save that much in 18 months? I ain’t got no job because no fucker hires obviously mentally ill people. 
          Maybe I’ll have to resort to selling feet pics or some shit-


@adventuretimefanitc art commissions? (You guys have lovely art:3)


@ adventuretimefanitc  freelance writing maybe? i know some websites that pays if you blog or just write whatever u want


i’m happy your on the list. but I don’t know how to help you I wish I did, but i don’t because I to do not have a job.


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Hooolly crap the past few days have been absolutely wild. But I should be back to normal v soon. 
          Obligatory fanfic author wild shit time: my dad cut half his finger off using a table saw and spent two days in hospital getting operated on so I’ve had to run the house for those few days. How the fuck did he manage? No idea but I’m not surprised, this is the man who grew up in the country riding dirt bikes with no helmet, I’m amazed he’s still alive tbh. He’s fine lol, so am I, I was just busy with taking care of our yard full of pets (and trying to get our ferrets to find the mouse that’s been loose in the laundry) while he was gone. Safe to say now all that’s over the writers block will probably pass soon. 
          What is it was wild shit always happing to fanfic authors man?


@adventuretimefanitc Damn, I am proud of him, and you! It's harding to keep  run the house for 2 days!


canon wattpad writer event 


@adventuretimefanitc I don't think your dad should be allowed around sharp objects 


I have got the worst writers block atm. My reads are waayyy down too, I think people are just slowly switching to ao3 for fanfic so I’m kind of not surprised. I’m in an art hyper fixation- writers block phase at the moment, getting a ton of art done but no writing done. 
          If one of the alters has something they want to write, I’ll have them take over for a few days while I get my writing flow back. Bare with me guys :))


@Lawlietsradiance  I agree with what you said @adventuretimefanitc  you're stories get me hooked on them and every time I read them once I always go back to them to read them again that's how good they are even if you get writer's block always remember that if you do get an idea or inspiration for a new book that writing it out can also help for future stories if what I said makes sense (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


@adventuretimefanitc Everybody gets writers block once in a while, don't worry about it.
            As for ao3, they have a few good stories, but not enough for me to switch to them. I prefer writing on Wattpad. I left another site once I found this one, after finding one of your L one shot books. I've been hooked to your stories ever since.
            You have really inspired a lot of my writing so I have to thank you for that as well.


Watching people leave wattpad for Ao3 makes me feel like a captain going down with the ship. I’m standing on my sinking boat until the waters take me baby I’m not going anywhere. Sure wattpad has its issues but I’ve been here like 9 years I’m not jumping ship now. 


@adventuretimefanitc I’m never gonna leave wattpad, bc I can’t figure out ao3 half the time


same idk how to use ao3 but im tryna use both since my friends do both


@adventuretimefanitc Wait what, I didn't know people are Wattpad for AO3


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Welp the hades 2 early access build is out, Zag has been going nuts all day so safe to say no post for today we’re all a bit distracted. 
          I will say though, DAMN everyone is SO hot. Especially the chthonic family, Hypnos is from a family of total hotties I’ll tell you that. Moros is so??? Ahhh??? Chaos is GENDER AS FUCK. And I swear someone needs to find a way to wake up Hypnos NOW because I need to see what he’s wearing under the blanket cocoon.