
Hi! So there are two new bonus chapters on The End (soon to be renamed when I decide to redo the cover) But anyway, there are two bonus chapters because I want ed to add some stuff. I hope you enjoy!!


@lori_munson69 You're welcome. There should be more chapters up later depending on whether or not I get some more motivation


@lori_munson69 I am so sorry. I don't know what the heck is happening. There is also a new update on Retribution as well in case it didn't let you know. I am so sorry this keeps happening


I loooove your back to us books i really like your  haunted series but tour back to us series is my favorite i love them sm!   


@Kaelei-Winchester Aww, thank you for the compliment. It's no problem really.. I'm glad you enjoy what I write!! Just updated. Hope you enjoy


Of course thank you for writing such great books!!


@Kaelei-Winchester Thank you!! I do plan on finishing Back to You eventually, just a little bit slower of updates. So sorry about that. I will be updating soon though. I was actually just about to update it, lol. So you caught it at just the right time. Thank you!!


Sorry I haven't been here for a while, I graduated high school on Friday and I've been kinda busy :p
          I will be on here more, but there's a lot of family drama happening and my sister’s getting married soon and you know… chaos. Anyways, I will comment more, I promise.
          I'm sorry that events have pushed me back


@aricoursonwriting First of all, CONGRATS!!! Second of all,dont worry. Take your time. I get it. Life gets busy. Congrats to your sister too! 


So I’m reading your hunted Dean Winchester book and probably every other book you’ve written bc they’re so good but I was wondering what order they go in. 


Awesome thank you so much


@Kaelei-Winchester Uh, well, for Haunted it's, well, Haunted, Superstitions, Hunted, Guided, and there's Haunted 2.0, which is just like little short stories for that series. 
            The Back to You Series is Back to Believe, Back to the Shadows, Back to Life, Back to You, Back to Better Days, Back to Me, Back to Us. 
            Uh, then there's The End and it's sequel Retribution. 
            The rest are standalones so far. 
            Also thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you like it!


My writers block on My Kitten is severe… and then I got thinking… maybe it's done? I just need to end it.
          What do you think?
          It's The Bane Saga book 2


@aricoursonwriting I understand. I can go back and reread it to see if you like. If you feel like it's done, then that makes sense. In the end the only one who knows how the story should go is you. It's whatever you think is best.!


Hi, sorry
          What books have you updated since Friday April… 5th


@aricoursonwriting That's completely okay. Don't worry about it too much. I dont mind. You're okay.


@courtneybunny2 i might not comment on any of those, sorry! I have a lot on my plate and commenting takes a lot of time. I WILL comment on new chapters. I hope that's okay 


Hello, I am currently reading back to Believing and I love it. You can't imagine how happy I was when I found out that you had written six more books. It really wouldnt wonder me if they are as perfect as the first. I hope it never ends.


@Reaawri Thank you so much!! I plan to finish the series but am taking a break at the moment. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I hope you continue to enjoy it too. Thank you so much!! ❤