
          	First, TYSMMMM for 100K on LEFT BEHIND. I promise to update as soon as possible (and with a little surprise to all of you). It means the world babes. Thanks for the support and patience and loyalty and being here along this book’s (long) journey 
          	Second, I am reposting NO WAY OUT. It is an improved version and one I think all of you will love. So check it out. Give it a try. Let me know your thoughts!!!
          	Lastly, I only have two more weeks of college classes (I live on the south hemisphere, so we have the summer break from middle December to middle February). I will be working a summer job and doing an internship at a med clinic and finishing some research with a professor. Butttt stilll I am expecting to have a lot more time to write. So expect more updates to both books. And please fill me in with comments. It helps a lot with writer’s block and motivation hehe
          	Love you all. Thanks again for being here. Happy holidays to everyone!!!!


@heartscribes I LOVE NO Way Out its soo good!!!


I miss talking to youuuuu :) 


And good luck with your internship<3 