
Heyy everyone it's me again after a long time, I'm planning to write something new for you all so would you guys like to suggest some tropes? 
          	If yes wite them down below 
          	Love you all ❤


@kooxyard7 okay I'll surely consider your choice Ms.@xxeyyqwa ❤


Hello.guys my friend just started writing after i encouraged her and trust me she is a genius when it comes to writing stuff. So give a chance to her book because it is full of mystery, suspense, romance, voilence it has eveything you could ask so please give a chance to her book and i bet you won't regret giving your time to it.


Heyy everyone it's me again after a long time, I'm planning to write something new for you all so would you guys like to suggest some tropes? 
          If yes wite them down below 
          Love you all ❤


@kooxyard7 okay I'll surely consider your choice Ms.@xxeyyqwa ❤


          Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. 
          So today I'm here to tell you that I won't be able to update the next part today as I'm really very sick.
          I caught a temperature today and I can't write it down. It's been half written and I planned to complete it but as my health was not really good so I wasn't able to, but I'll publish the next part tomorrow for sure followed by another chapter day-after-tomorrow. 
          There's another news for you all that we're reaching towards the end of this book. I hope you all enjoyed reading. 
          And you all must be thinking where's the SMUT so don't worry I'll put smut in the following chapters.
          Please take care of yourselves guys as it's been cold these days and I hope you won't catch a cold.
          Love you all 
          Hope you stay healthy 


@kooxyard7 i hope you feel better soon Author


Hii author!!!
          Thanks for the votes <3
          Btw how are you doing? It's been a while 


@kooxyard7 Its alright, you dont have to feel sorry friend <33


@_sooyaa_kpop1310 sorry I was not able to reply you yesterday 


Hey there! Sorry for posting without permission. Hope you are doing good. If your time permits please check out my stories and give me your valuable comments on them. I would love to know your thoughts on my story. Happy Reading 


@Indian_army it's alright you can try reading mine too and don't forget to give me a feedback 