
Mars? Hru? 


❝ to be human is to be filled with emotions. let yourself free. allow yourself this necessity. instead of pushing the anger away or cowering from the envy, accept it as a part of your being. instead of telling yourself this is not who you are, give room to the negative emotions and let them pass by in a tide. we're a mix of good and bad both and sometimes, it takes experience to know. there's balance in everything. day and night. sun and rain. sky and ground. highs and lows. rise and fall. submit yourself to nature's dispense and watch yourself grow. ❞


Hello, Mars!! How are you. I hope you are doing good. So glad to see you still active and amazing. I am inactive but not dead hehe. Leaving this message to let you know that I miss you and hope you are having an amazing life. I am always here so you can contact anytime. 


@lamiwrites Yes! So glad to leave a text and let you know. Mars, thank you for being there for me. So happy to have you. 


@Anamwrites hi Anam!! I've missed you so very much, I'm doing good. Haha glad to see you're doing good too. I see you lurking around and I'm so glad you're still around


new profile picture ❤️❤️


new chapter next week???