
As-Salamu alaykum everyone,
          	•  With mixed feelings, I'd like to announce that I will no longer have stories on Wattpad. Why? A lot of reasons which are too personal to be shared. I apologize to those who are reading my stories right now and will be deprived of it soon. Wattpad has been acting shitty, and I realized this whole writing thing isn't what I really want and NOT because I regret my stance with Palestine. I support Palestine till the end and believe all Zionists should rot in hell. PERIODT! 
          	•  Besides the point, I realized that I'm a Muslim. Therefore, I'm opening a new chapter in my life which must be clean of all stains. I MIGHT start a new account, solely with Islamic content and maybe stories. I want nothing from anyone. I don't care about having followers, or people who agree with me 100%. I just want to be better. Because respectfully ... who are you?
          	•  As I open this new chapter, I hope some of y'all who have life all wrong, find peace and tranquility in the hands of the Creator. Trust me, He never left you. I've been privileged to have my Wattpad family and even more privileged to finally find myself. 
          	• Don't take this the wrong way, I'm overjoyed with my decision. I don't mean to sound depressed or anything. I appreciate those who support my decision and couldn't care less about those who feel otherwise. Jazakallahu Khairan beautiful people. 
          	            This account might be inactive for a while. Thank you for understanding #FREEPALESTINE #EYESONRAFAH


@Alwayzsleeping I'll still use this profile probably 


          	  Walaikum asalam! I appreciate your heartfelt message and the courage it took to share your decision with us all. It's important to prioritize your well-being and personal growth above all else. Embracing your faith and strengthening your connection with it is a beautiful step forward. Remember, your journey is unique and valid, and it's inspiring to see you make choices that align with your beliefs and values. Wishing you peace and contentment as you embark on this new chapter. May it bring you clarity, joy, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. Your decision is respected and supported here. Take all the time you need to focus on what truly matters to you. We understand and stand by you. Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. Stay blessed, and may your path ahead be illuminated with blessings and grace.


Em, good for you and everything...but is it wise to say 'all Zionists can rot in hell'?
          Is that something you should advocating for? I'm not trying to cause a fight or anything, just concerned. 
          Okie, bye❤️


@thegirlcalledbatman Too bad. Allah loves me more❤️


@pacific_maiden ...
            Well that's sad.
            Um...okie, bye❤️
            Jesus loves you❤️


As-Salamu alaykum everyone,
          •  With mixed feelings, I'd like to announce that I will no longer have stories on Wattpad. Why? A lot of reasons which are too personal to be shared. I apologize to those who are reading my stories right now and will be deprived of it soon. Wattpad has been acting shitty, and I realized this whole writing thing isn't what I really want and NOT because I regret my stance with Palestine. I support Palestine till the end and believe all Zionists should rot in hell. PERIODT! 
          •  Besides the point, I realized that I'm a Muslim. Therefore, I'm opening a new chapter in my life which must be clean of all stains. I MIGHT start a new account, solely with Islamic content and maybe stories. I want nothing from anyone. I don't care about having followers, or people who agree with me 100%. I just want to be better. Because respectfully ... who are you?
          •  As I open this new chapter, I hope some of y'all who have life all wrong, find peace and tranquility in the hands of the Creator. Trust me, He never left you. I've been privileged to have my Wattpad family and even more privileged to finally find myself. 
          • Don't take this the wrong way, I'm overjoyed with my decision. I don't mean to sound depressed or anything. I appreciate those who support my decision and couldn't care less about those who feel otherwise. Jazakallahu Khairan beautiful people. 
                      This account might be inactive for a while. Thank you for understanding #FREEPALESTINE #EYESONRAFAH


@Alwayzsleeping I'll still use this profile probably 


            Walaikum asalam! I appreciate your heartfelt message and the courage it took to share your decision with us all. It's important to prioritize your well-being and personal growth above all else. Embracing your faith and strengthening your connection with it is a beautiful step forward. Remember, your journey is unique and valid, and it's inspiring to see you make choices that align with your beliefs and values. Wishing you peace and contentment as you embark on this new chapter. May it bring you clarity, joy, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. Your decision is respected and supported here. Take all the time you need to focus on what truly matters to you. We understand and stand by you. Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. Stay blessed, and may your path ahead be illuminated with blessings and grace.


Assalamualaikum . I really love your book Naeva. It's just so awesome i really love your books sister . I hope you will write more books like this in future Inshallah. 


@pacific_maiden  jazakallah khair i really appreciate your writing and you to take care of yourself sister. Allah hafiz.


@cakesandgiggle Walaikum salam. I will actually. I just need to finish my current one in sha Allah. Stay tuned and take care ❤️


Also, some people need to understand that telling me you won't read my story is quite hilarious. You could have actually left but decided to tell me anyway. What am I supposed to do with that information? Beg? Try to convince you? An individual who profits me in absolutely no way. I don't even know what you look like and I try my *hardest* not to sound rude because some of them are grown ass people (even married ones) and it's quite sad. 
          Just leave the story and even block me. I've said it so many times but you still need to be noticed. Self-respect. Ever heard of it? Because if you argue, (and I actually have time), I will too. I'm narcissistic. Sometimes I just love to argue and we'll both end up wasting each other's time. So please, for the sake of those who actually read through comments, let's just not.


Yess someone who finally says it 


this message may be offensive
I haven't been online for a while, and it's honestly like my absence and silence to some comments has given some certain people the courage to creep out of their sad little holes. So I just had to leave a note.
          If you say something stupid ( a hate comment on my choice to support humanity) then just give me 24 hours. If I don't reply then that means I've seen it and you're honestly just a waste of time. If I do reply, that means you're so stupid it needs attention. If you block me after saying something stupid, then it just means you're a sad soul venting at the wrong place and to the wrong person, and you know it. When you see FREE PALESTINE that's literally my way of saying " I don't give a f**k what you think and don't care to know". Like seriously, get the hint.
          Don't come writing your whole life history for me and expect me to actually read it. It's either you block me or I block you, either way, it's what I need.  I come in peace.... sometimes.