
Does anyone have an actual book to recomand for me to read please? I have been in a reading slupm for MONTHS.


@seecret_writer if you are into fantasy, try "The Shadows Between Us" by Tricia Levenseller


Hey everyone just wanted to hop on here and say how much I'm grateful for all of you! i never would have thought that my story would be worth 11k of read let alone 100, so thank you so much for all of your support! I know that I haven't been really active and I'm deeply sorry about that. See you soon. Loveeee


hey everyone its been awhile, sorry for not posting anymore, I have been caught up in so many things that I forgot I was an author, I'll be updating you guys soon bcz right now I have 0 chapters ready to be posted and it take days to a week to make a chapter, see you soon, loveeee, MWAH


@MckenzieMckesson Ohhhh that's so thoughtful of you!


@seecret_writer I've been good working a lot to help my parents pay for college 


Hey guys Im soooo sorry that I havent been posting any new chapters, I basically have none ready to be published, and school has been overwhelming, because I have soo many things to do, cause next week me and my class are going on a school trip to Greece, so I had to pack my bags, check my papers, finish all the homeworks of next week because I wont be here so I'll be missing out on everything the others do when we are in Greece (Bcz only the people who took greek option like me get to go to the greece trip so the rest of the class has to stay at school and work and I dont want to miss out on the lessons considering that once we're back, we have loads of exams) So yeah, I will be posting more but definitely not next week since I will be in a different country, but soon soon, anyways, have a great day/night, MWAH