
Aaaamd Seventh: The Dying Man’s Bucket List 
          	1. Put Together The Ultimate Family Cook Book for Callie. She needs all the help she can get
          	2. Steal back the Halloween garden gnomes from Mrs. Shelby’s tool shed since she doesn’t know what the concept of borrowing is
          	3. Return the lawn mower to Jim Townsman’s home without him knowing it came from you because apparently you might not know what the concept of borrowing is either. Sneak it back in because you already convinced him he lost it, and Jim owns a gun
          	4. Mail the letters. You know the ones
          	5. Tell Nancy how you feel (and brace for the slap. Trust me, it’s coming)
          	6. Leave your review for The Catcher In The Rye at every library... you know what to do
          	7. Moonshine
          	8. Mon Sherié’s Last Show
          	9. Get A Tattoo - and don’t chicken out. Live a little, you’ll be dead soon anyways
          	10. David Golem’s Book Signing. Bring the megaphone
          	A story in which two men are somehow forced to partake in a dying man’s insane bucket list. Another mad hilarious one lol 


@wambuimuiruriii I wanna vote for this one but I feel the ending is gonna make me cry


@wambuimuiruriii this also sounds cool 


@wambuimuiruriii - In the end, I think you truly decide.. right? But I think a hilarious story would be a good one especially around all the drama that you've had.. I think making yourself laugh while making us laugh would be the best medicine, not only for us, but for the soon to be dead man. :3 


Aaaamd Seventh: The Dying Man’s Bucket List 
          1. Put Together The Ultimate Family Cook Book for Callie. She needs all the help she can get
          2. Steal back the Halloween garden gnomes from Mrs. Shelby’s tool shed since she doesn’t know what the concept of borrowing is
          3. Return the lawn mower to Jim Townsman’s home without him knowing it came from you because apparently you might not know what the concept of borrowing is either. Sneak it back in because you already convinced him he lost it, and Jim owns a gun
          4. Mail the letters. You know the ones
          5. Tell Nancy how you feel (and brace for the slap. Trust me, it’s coming)
          6. Leave your review for The Catcher In The Rye at every library... you know what to do
          7. Moonshine
          8. Mon Sherié’s Last Show
          9. Get A Tattoo - and don’t chicken out. Live a little, you’ll be dead soon anyways
          10. David Golem’s Book Signing. Bring the megaphone
          A story in which two men are somehow forced to partake in a dying man’s insane bucket list. Another mad hilarious one lol 


@wambuimuiruriii I wanna vote for this one but I feel the ending is gonna make me cry


@wambuimuiruriii this also sounds cool 


@wambuimuiruriii - In the end, I think you truly decide.. right? But I think a hilarious story would be a good one especially around all the drama that you've had.. I think making yourself laugh while making us laugh would be the best medicine, not only for us, but for the soon to be dead man. :3 


Sixth Option: Modern Gods, The gods have always relied on the human race, and the human race the gods.
          Yet the mortal world, as time has progressed for them, has changed this dynamic considerably.
          Some gods have kept their titles, still basking in the worship the humans have given them under their original names. Then there were the gods who learnt to adjust, much like Thanatos’s family, and the names they've once named claim to have adapted much like the human world.
          The last were gods who faded through time. Gods no longer worshiped due to their irrelevance, or the sheer history of havoc they wreaked upon humans centuries ago, when gods could once walk the earth. Gods not worthy of being worshiped.
          Now the rules are simple; gods cannot mingle amongst humans unless their power specifically calls for it. They can only influence the mortal world.
          And Zeus has found himself in some hot water these last few centuries because of this, and of his troubled past with the humans resurfacing. Think of it as society deciding to dig up some really old tweets and choosing to cancel you centuries later over them... But those tweets contained some of the worst atrocities known to man, and well worth canceling.
          Somehow, he's managed to convince a concerning amount of gods that this wasn't just his fight. That it was all of ours... which I, Thanatos, and quite a few other gods, knew for a fact that it was not.
          His solution to a problem he more or less created?
          A do-over.
          Leave it to Zeus to flip the table whenever he was losing in a board game. How utterly childish.
          A story where a terrible college student gets the history lesson of his lifetime when he accidentally crosses into the Greek gods world during a coup d’etat


@wambuimuiruriii wow this one sounds good too


@wambuimuiruriii  this one.. Greek mythology any day


@wambuimuiruriii as a Greek mythology fanatic I would LOVE this but the other options are just so appealing too!!


Fourth Option: My Jolly Sailor Bold, this is a continuance of The Man Behind The Beast where it follows Stefan and Elle’s child Rielle, who has since became a marine biologist. She gets marooned on an island after a storm takes her research boat out and she’s saved by a merman. This merman is the son of the king that rules the world below the surface, only noticing and rescuing Rielle during his own enemy’s intense execution below the waters




@wambuimuiruriii THIS IS MY FAV OPTION  


Third Option: The Love We Deserve, Joan and Brad’s love story more than likely starting from the beginning, and bleeding into Brad’s time in Russia. Given the context of his situation, I’ve been hesitant to get the story up because it would have more triggering parts related to Ana’s SA and her relationship with Brad’s bio father. This is a subject I absolutely don’t mind writing, but I want to take into account the triggering aspects and heavier dialogue 


@Elly1965  Joan and Brad are in "Derek" and they're great. 


@wambuimuiruriii. Joan and Brad, please! With a heavy sprinkling of John and Derek...the two best characters EVER!!! 


Are they characters from another book?


Second Option: Office Rivalry, Don and Carson are certified born haters. If they have no haters for each other, they’d resurrect themselves to make sure they maintain that title of public enemy number one. With Don working for John Terry in finance, and Carson as the company’s HR Director, this story would be about two individuals finding love through their hatred of one another and their parking spaces (probs one of the funniest stories I’ve started drafting lol)


@ wambuimuiruriii  hard choice, but i know i'll love both (anything you write) so i am not worried about that. At the moment I would chose this, because i would love a funny story and i adore your humor  


100% this one! I would absolutely love to read this! I enjoyed John Terry and Derick’s story so so much so I have faith in this story!


First Option: Fight Club 2. this would wrap up the story of Dante and Sammy, however it would follow his uncle Jimmy in jail and his relationship with a cop that gets locked up with him (mxm)


This one pleaseee!!


Alrighty so I got a lil poll for my readers and followers on what story y’all want next cause I got them all drafted but I want to focus on only one after The Pirate King is complete
          Because of the word count, I’ll post an individual synopsis  of each book and y’all can just comment if you’d prefer to read that :) (my apologies for the notifs) and I appreciate yall so much!! Keep in mind that all these stories are something I feel passionate about and want to bring to life, therefore there is no wrong answer :)
          And also, update on the dickhead that posted my books on Amazon: they’re all taken down now, and I’m working on perusing legal action to get every single person who paid for this book, refunded 


Oh no I’m torn between don and Carson. And Brad and Joan. I’m obsessed with that world lol 


My prio is also fightclub2 :) And tbh I would also love to read anything fantasy-ish of you in the future because the Pirate King is just so good


hi hi! i wanted to say that i love your work! discovered your books a few days ago and i’ve already finished 5 books! literally obsessed. 
          i wanted to ask if there will be a sequel to “she will bring honour to us all”. i just finished it and i am completely hooked!  
          also i hope you’re doing amazing and keep up with the amazing work!