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Alex's Pov:


The workday was a blur of stressful mundane. I hardly had much to do but I did notice that Jensen looked exhausted and stressed when he came to talk to me this morning and then immediately left when he got a call from his lawyer.

I've seen this pattern repeat itself for a few days now and I finally thought that....it was enough!

I had decided to set my foot down and intervene. Call me nosy if you will, I don't really think that'll offend me at all. Jensen is my boss but other than that he's very important to me (even though I refuse to admit it), and seeing him distressed for the past few days has been upsetting, to say the least.

All because of that human form of headache, Brian Carson.

I had a plan and I didn't know if it'll work... But of course, I'm gonna have to try.

Kate had been telling me how worried Jensen is and how she's concerned about his health since he's skipping meals for work.

Josh even tried helping him by pulling a few strings but this was a bigger problem than that and I've realised there's only one thing left to do.

When I got home late at night, I tossed my keys into the bowl and pulled out my hair tie that was stuck in a high up-do.

I walked into the bathroom after I got rid of my sneakers, freshened up and changed into loose clothes.

After heating up my dinner and eating a bowl of pasta I had run out of things to do that would stall the one thing I was trying to postpone.

I looked down at my phone that said it was 9:30, I reluctantly picked it up, clicked on the contact list and sighed before I hit 'call'.

Preparing myself for an unsavoury conversation I waited as the phone rang thrice before a familiar voice answered.

"Hello there, and what a surprise?" A sweet voice answered the one that I knew was anything but.

"I need your help..." I said it pained me to say those four words.  And almost instantly felt the smirk that she had on her face.

"About time...." Was all she said before she urged me to continue and I told her my plan while she listened with a few sarcastic comments in between.

By the end of it, she agreed to help me out, which I knew she would and also she didn't stop herself from rubbing it in.

After I hung up, I flopped down on my bed, tired and exhausted from the conversation and the day's events.

With an act of newfound courage, I set my alarm to six in the morning and tucked myself in my bed.

Everything will be fine.



I hid behind a tree as I looked at the entrance and planned how to best get inside undetected.

It was time to put my plan into action.

A violent tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts about infiltrating the building and I glared at Morgan who was the source of pain inflicted on my shoulder, my lawyer and also my partner in crime.... At least for this mission.

Morgan is an old friend. We barely stayed in touch after she went to law school and I went into business. We had a bet going on that we would require each other's work sometime in future.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now