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Chapter 27: EVENTFUL EVE.


Jensen's pov:


I was an hour early, as I entered the extravagantly ornamented event hall. It looked better than ever. I could see some reporters and cameramen at the entrance gates of the red carpet but it wasn't too bad, it was bound to get worse once the guests started arriving.

Many important personalities and celebrities were on the guest list today and the media clearly didn't want to overlook any details of the night.

Everything looked amazing, many artists and curators were present since their art was being displayed and auctioned.

Although my eyes were searching for one person who was nowhere to be seen, she was probably here somewhere working since morning, I'm sure she's busy with some last minute details.

"Please re-arrange the chairs according to the new seating plan, this is not the right way..." I heard her familiar voice and walked in the general direction.

I definitely wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted me as I turned a corner, there she was looking slightly distressed at the situation at hand but beautiful nonetheless.
I didn't say anything to announce my presence. I couldn't.

I just looked at her, taking in the moment, the long dress delicately hugged her slim waist and flowed down to her ankles, it was held up with a single strap leaving the other shoulder bare.

Her dark hair was tied up in a bun with some strands falling off to frame her face and she didn't wear any accessories except for earrings.

God, she was absolutely breathtaking.

Feeling nervous, I met her deep brown eyes which were suddenly looking right into mine and very subtly she raised an eyebrow. If she noticed the way I was looking at her, she didn't mention it.

"You're early." Alex said.

"Yeah, needed your help with something." I said as I walked closer.

"What is it? But I'm kinda busy here..." She started to fess.

I spotted Anna as I looked around, "Anna, would you take over, I'm borrowing Alex for a minute." Anna gave me a thumbs up, and with that I grabbed her hand and pulled her to a somewhat empty corridor.

"I wanted to give you something too...." I said and pulled out the tiny trinket of a pendent I got for her from the inner pocket of my suit, it dangled from my fingers as I held it up for her to see, "since you got me a present and I didn't have anything for you."

She stared down at the, white diamond pendant with curious, incredulous eyes. "You did what?"

"Is that your indirect way of telling me that you hate it?" I asked, just to be sure. Maybe this wasn't her taste after all.

"Yeah. No. I mean...I like it. " Alex said looking right at me as if she couldn't believe I could do something of this sort. I just sighed in relief, shopping for a woman is nerve wracking.

"Do you wanna put it on, or is it going to clash with your outfit?" I asked skeptically.

"No." She replied.

"No, you don't wanna put it on, or no, it won't clash with the outfit?"

She laughed, I liked her laugh a little too much. "No it won't clash with my outfit." She clarified.

"Great." I smiled, "allow me?" I asked, holding it unhooked in front of her.

She rolled her eyes but complied, I stared at the tiny microscopic curved hook in my hands and tried to fasten it around her neck. I was successful after two failed attempts.

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