6. A Proposal...

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Just as she took a bite of her toast the doorbell rang.

"God! It's just 8 in the morning and because of that stupid guy I haven't slept properly for two days," she murmured putting the toast back in the plate.

"You stay here. Don't move. I'll see who it is. Ok?" Lilly said to the toddler as she placed a soft kiss on his curly head.

"Kay...Kay !" he replied enthusiastically.

"I love how you agree with me every time. If only everyone were like you my life would have been so easy." She said to him smiling as she went to open the door.

Lilly opened the door and found one person standing in front of her she had come to hate the most in the world.

"Good morning Miss Lilly Jones." Ashton smiled.

" I was having a really good morning until you decided to appear on my doorstep and bother me." she said returning a not- so- genuine smile.

"Well... thanks for inviting me," he said as he quickly squeezed in his way from her left while she just stood at the door and only realised seconds later that he had already invaded her house. Again!

"I didn't invite you." She accused.

"Oh! You woke up just now it seems," he said as he ran a glance from head to toe.
"Not an early riser, eh?''

" 8 o'clock is early enough for me." she retorted trying to fight with the embarrassment that her choice for the night was causing her at the moment.

Just then a sound of an utensil falling on the floor came from the kitchen and Lilly remembered she had left Sam alone in the kitchen.

"You seem to have a visitor early in the morning," he said raising a brow as he turned his steps towards the kitchen.
" I should greet him too."

"Wait!" She called from behind but he didn't stop.

"Damn it! I don't want him to meet my son right now or ever for that matter."

Ashton stopped at the kitchen door as he saw the back of the kid who was sitting in a child's chair and was playing with his breakfast rather than eating it.

With careful steps, he walked towards the toddler and stopped when he came face to face with him. He looked at him. His gaze transfixed and the little boy returned the look.

Lilly stopped at the door as she witnessed the silent conversation that was going on between the two men. Even though she hated to admit it but she realised how much Sam had taken after his paternal family.

"Hey... hello there." Ashton smiled as he stretched his hands to pick up the baby. But before he could do so Lilly quickly picked Sam up and held him to herself in her protective embrace.

"You are not taking him anywhere." she clenched her teeth.

"I am not taking him anywhere. Not now. I just... want to hold him."

The look in his eyes was so honest and this was his right as an uncle to the boy. Reluctantly, she pushed the toddler in his arms and to her surprise the little Sam who would throw a tantrum every time a stranger came near him went quite willingly into his arms.

Sam looked up at the face of the stranger who was holding him. With his chubby hands, he touched his face, his eyes and his stubbled jaw as if trying to imprint the stranger's face in his memory.

"How are you doing, little one?" Ashton asked as he gently touched Sam's chubby cheek.

Sam replied with something in his incomprehensible language as he clapped his hands which made Ashton laugh.

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