20. The Small talks...

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Well, he is a gentleman, Lilly acknowledged.

Just then both the ladies heard Samuel's voice. The toddler was up and was sucking on his thumb. She was so lost in stories of Ashton's past that she hadn't even realised when he woke up.

"Oh! he is up." The old lady beamed looking at the little boy. The look of adoration decorated her eyes face as she smiled.

"Hey, baby." Lilly smiled at Sam as she made him sit in her lap.
"Look there is someone who wants to meet you." Lilly pointed towards Grace.

"Oh my! he is so adorable." the old lady chirped in happiness looking just like a delighted grandmother.
"Can I hold him?" She asked Lilly.

Sam wasn't good with strangers but looking at the old lady's excitement Lilly thought of giving it a try.
"Hey Sam, want to go to Grace?" she asked hoping for him to agree.

"Hello Sam." the old lady smiled at the little boy as she stretched her hands for him.

Sam looked at the old lady and then back at his mother.
"Go." Lilly prompted with a smile.

After thinking for a while Sam smiled as he placed his hands in Grace's.
"Aww... come to me." Grace smiled taking the little cherub in her arms as she talked and cooed to him her words of affection.


Standing near the window of master room Lilly was brooding upon Grace's words from earlier. Since Grace was going to stay in the main house Ashton and Lilly were once again back in the same room. The night breeze played with her hair as she stared into the distance.

She had thought that Ashton was born and brought up in luxury. She had thought that Ashton always had things served for him before he even had to ask for it. She had thought he was just like his brother Sebastian, a rich spoilt brat who didn't care about anyone else but himself but now she realised she was so wrong.

She knew the pain of losing parents and could fully understand his loss. She felt sad for the man who always put up a brave front. The man who always acted aloof and distant. Who could have thought he had suffered such a big loss. She felt sad for the child who lost his mother at such a young age and whose father never cared for him. His father failed in his duties but her respect for Aston increased manifolds when she realised how even after suffering so much in his childhood he was trying his best to provide Sam with everything. His name, his care, his affection, his time everything that a child needed Ashton was willing to give him.

Ashton is different, her heart acknowledged. He is nothing like Sebastian. He is kind, caring, generous and respectful, she smiled.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice when Ashton entered the room and stood in front of her. Leaning against the window he crossed his arms in front of that hard chest and looked at his wife.
"Watching the moon?" he asked.

"Hmm.." she smiled. ''It is beautiful."

"Yes." he smiled looking at her.

"Mind if I ask you a question?" she asked finally looking at him.

"Ask whatever you want."

"If you ever get an opportunity that you can reverse or change something that happened in your life then what would you like to change?"

" I would want to change two things. First, my mom's death and second the day Sebastian started going on the wrong path." He answered without a second's delay as if he had thought of it many times.

The silence covered the room but then she said, "During both, the incidents weren't you very small to make such changes?"

"Yes." He sighed. "I know time can't be reversed. It's beyond my power. What about you? What amendments would you have made if you had such a power?" he asked looking at her.

She turned her attention to the moon again as a sad and helpless smile appeared on her lips.
"The two things I would want to change... First, I want to go back to the night when my parents were leaving for a party. The night after which they never returned. I would have stopped them or maybe accompanied them. The second thing I want to change is..." she suddenly stopped mid-sentence not sure if she should say it.

"The second thing is what?" he prompted.

Taking a deep breath she returned her attention to him as she said, " I want to go back to the day when Sebastian met my sister. If she had never met him then..." she stopped again not knowing if letting her feelings out in front of him was a good idea.

"It's alright. You don't have to feel anything bad about it. I understand your feelings. Maybe if I were at your place I would have thought the same." he looked at her apologetically. "But could you please forgive him?"

Lilly gives a small smile as she looked at her husband.
"I think I forgave him the day you said that he was no more. I didn't want to keep hatred for someone who has died and you were right when you said how a child turns out to be is the responsibility of a parent so it wasn't entirely his fault. If Sebastian hadn't existed then I don't think I would have Sam by my side. Sam is my world and I am thankful for the only good deed Sebastian did for me so I have forgiven him." she smiled as if finally gotten rid of a heavyweight that was suffocating her.

Looking at the moon she took a deep breath as if trying to refresh her insides by filling it with the fresh and cold night air.
"Sometimes letting go of what hurts you the most is the wisest thing you can do so I did it because I can't change it now. I think I'll just appreciate and be happy with what I have at present and look forward to what's coming next."

"You never cease to surprise me, Mrs King." he smiled at her.

"What makes you say so, Mr King?" she asked looking at him with curious eyes as a hint of a smile touched her lips.

"When I asked you what you would like to change I had thought that you would say this marriage. I had thought that you would say that the day we got married was the worst day of your life but I am surprised that you didn't say anything like that."

She looked at him as her smile disappeared and her eyebrows furrowed as if she was in doubt. She was surprised because the thought hadn't even crossed her mind.
But why? Was it that she had grown accustomed to his company, was it that she had started enjoying his small little conversations. His teasing, his smiles, his words... had she started to derive pleasure in them.

"Do you regret this marriage, Lilly?" Ashton asked not sure what to expect.

She looked at him and asked herself 'Do I regret this marriage?' Just then the images of him looking after Sam and caring for him, the respect he gave to her all flashed in her mind.
"No," she answered looking into his beautiful eyes. She was surprised when the two-letter word left her mouth but it was the truth. He was a good role model for Sam.

"You are doing that again," Ashton said as his gaze darkened.

"Doing wha-"

Before she could even complete her question he lowered his head and claimed the softness of her lips with his own.

Hey sweeties, I know the chapter was a bit short (not really, it's 1300+ words long) but I'm really busy these days. I've some urgent errands to run and complete the assignments for my internship. So I could make it only this long.

At first, I had thought of not updating today because the chapter was a bit short but then I thought ''Something is better than nothing" and you all must be waiting for the update so I've to give what I could manage.

I'll try to update a long chapter tomorrow till then stay happy n be safe. I love you all so don't hate me on the small update 😅❣️

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