Chapter 30

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My eyes flutter open and I take in the surrounding. I'm still in the living room. I had fallen asleep on the couch yesterday.

"Good morning sleeping beauty", I hear Eliot's voice and get up instantly.

"Good morning."

"I have only seen people cuddling humans, teddy bears or dogs. This is the first time I have seen someone cuddling roses. It's a good change", he chuckles while sipping his coffee.

"By the way who gave you these?", he asks, lifting his eyebrows in a playful way.

My cheeks burn when I look at the flowers. Last night I completely forgot to place the roses back on the table. Instead, I left them besides me.

"Where's Stefan?", I ask instead.

"He just went upstairs", he replies and adds casually. "Even threatens me to not make any noise."

Ohhh why would he threatened......

"My assignment!", I blurt suddenly in panic.

Eliot's eyes widen at my sudden outburst. I get up in a hurry and run rapidly towards the stairs. I have not complete it yet. Shit! If only I didn't fell asleep. I almost trip on the last step but firm yet gentle hands hold me up instantly.

"Can't you be careful?", Stefan scolds me.

I instantly block my lips with my hands, recalling our kiss from yesterday and glance towards his cheek. Atleast there's no more fingerprints!

Stefan instantly leaves me when he sees my reaction. His eyes turns colder and he backs away.

"Watch where you're going next time!", he snaps and leaves.

He is angry with me? Oh I don't care about that right now! I need to check the deadline date for my assignment. Quickly entering my room, I switch on the laptop and signs in relief when I see, I still have three hours left in google classroom and turnit to submit the final draft.

I only need a conclusion in my thesis and then I'm done.

I take a quick shower and check on Liam. He starts kicking his legs happily in the air when he sees me.

"Hey baby", I coo and takes him in my arms. "Did you missed me? Cause I did."

I change his diaper and takes him downstairs for his breakfast.

"Hey Liam", Eliot says when he sees us. "Can I take him?"

"Sure", I try to disentangle Liam from my hold but he just wraps his arms and legs tightly around me.

"It's okay Liam", I say softly. "It's uncle Eliot. He wants to play with you."

"You makes me so sound old", Eliot groans while pouting. "He's not going to call me uncle."

"What do you want him to call you then?", I ask, amuse.

"Come on he's like my best friend. We even have drinks together. He drinks his milk while I drink my whisky."

"He still can't call you by your name Eliot", I state. "Uncle is fine."

Liam claps his hands happily while giggling loudly.

"See even Liam agrees with me", I laugh.

"You cheeky little boy", Eliot says with a smile. "You change side huh? Come here."

Liam starts laughing loudly when Eliot lifts him up in the air and kisses his belly. His laughter resounds in the living room, creating a joyous atmosphere.

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