Chapter 9

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It's already been ten minutes since Liam is crying. I badly want to go and console him but when I hear Stefan talking with him, I stop and smile.

"You don't love me anymore, don't you? Why do you love her so much?"

His tone is almost accusing. I fix my glasses and concentrate on my books. I guess that dumb ass have forget that my room have a baby monitor as well. I can hear him.

"Liam", Stefan voice almost pleads. "Please stop crying and get some sleep. Daddy have to work tomorrow."


Liam cries get louder and I get up this time. It's already midnight when I check the time.

I'm about to open the door when I hear a knock. I grin. I walk quickly towards the door but stop instantly when  I realize my glasses are still on. I remove them and throw it on the bed.

"Hey", I say when I open the door. Stefan looks tired with a crying Liam on his arms and as for the latter, he's already red from all the wailing.

He tries to reach me and I take him instantly.

"I got you baby", I coo gently. "Stop crying"

I rub his trembling body and kiss his head. He stops crying but hiccups from time to time. I forget that Stefan is standing right before us and continue murmuring sweet words to Liam.

"It's okay", I whisper. He's gripping my shirt tightly. I give him another kiss on his cheek.

I look straight and that's when I realize Stefan is watching us. There's a lot of emotion on his face. He appears shock, surprise and moreover he's looking as if longing for something.

"Are you alright?", I ask, confuse.

"Yeah", he replies and sigh. He looks so tired.

"You can go to sleep Mr Black", I say looking at his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes appear so drowsy.

"You're looking so tired."

"How do you do that?", he demands instead.

"Do what?"

"Make him quiet so quickly", he frowns slightly and looks at Liam then at me.

"I don't know", I shrugs.

He sighs and tries to take Liam again but I stop him.

"Don't. He'll cry again. I'll put him back in his crib. You can go to sleep."

Stefan ponders over it for a few beats then nod. He gives me the little bottle and leaves.

I wince when I feel pain shooting up my arms again. Walking towards my bed, I sit cross-legged.

Liam falls back sleep after drinking the milk. I walk inside his nursery and place him back inside the crib.

I look at him for a few minutes. His color is back to normal now and he looks peaceful. I stroke his soft hair and he smiles. My heart just melts again.

Leaving the nursery quietly, I decide to make some coffee. I still need to work on my assignments.

"What did you do to my child?", Stefan asks when I'm stirring my coffee. I gasp in fear and turn around.

"Oh my God!", I place my palm over my over beating heart. "Don't do that."

Stefan is sitting on one of the high stool and still waiting for apparently my answer.

"What do you mean what I did to your child?"

"Why does he likes you so much?"

I cradle the hot mug between my cold palm and grin slightly.

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