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  It was nice and sunny outside. Yoongi sat on a wooden bench, the picnic table the was outside of the side entrance to the school. Not many people were out here at all. Just a few people walking by and a little group of people sitting at another table behind a tree.

  The table was nice and Yoongi was alone at it. Finally, he had no eyes on him. Finally nobody was looking at him, judging the new student.

  He took out his notebook and continued writing the last of Namjoon's notes. He felt bad that he still even had them, preventing Namjoon from studying— because Yoongi knows that guy has to study. He can feel it. Namjoon seems like a smart guy who studies everything in life. He's a nice guy.

  So Yoongi focused on finishing the notes.

  His handwriting wasn't too messy, but not exactly perfect. Just enough to read. After all, he did need to hurry up with the notes if he was going to study for the quiz this week.


  Yoongi's eyes nearly glanced up too quickly, an unfamiliar face coming into view as he did so. The person sat down across from Yoongi. He had blonde hair, soft eyes, a small smile as he leaned his chin on his hand, his elbow propping him up as he looked down at Yoongi's notes. Yoongi averted his eyes.

  "Hi." He muttered.

  The person placed his free hand on Yoongi's notebook, playing with the corner of the paper. "Why are you sitting at my table?" He asked. Yoongi looked back up at him. He couldn't tell whether he was going to be trouble or not. "And.. Why can't I smell your scent?" The guy tilted his head in confusion. "Who are you? Have you always been here?"

  Yoongi shook his head. "I'm new."

  The person let an ahh pass his lips as he leaned back. "You must be the new student I've heard so much about. I just got back from a camping trip with the school. You probably haven't seen me yet. So, I'm Jimin." Jimin tapped Yoongi's paper with his finger.

  "I'm Yoongi."

  Jimin hummed. "You sure don't talk a lot." He said. "You never answered me. Why do you have no scent? What are you?"

  Yoongi continued writing his notes, trying his best to get finished. "No reason." He lied. He didn't need anyone to know.

  "So you just have no... rank?" Jimin asked curiously, clearly actually confused with Yoongi's scent, just like everyone else. "I mean, are you an Alpha? Beta? Omega? A mix or something? What the hell are you?" He leaned forward, testing his nose. "You seriously have no scent. Why?"

  He sure is talkative. He'd probably be really good friends with Seokjin.

  "No reason." Yoongi said once again.

  Jimin hummed. "Sure." He said. "You do realize what table you're sitting at, right? This is me and my friend's table."

  Yoongi looked up from his paper, sighing. He really just wanted to finish the damn notes. "Look, I'll leave soon. Just let me—"

  "Ooh, Jiminie~" Yoongi heard a voice coming from behind him, then a person sitting next to Yoongi with his long legs forcing beside him. "You have the new student sitting at our table, how nice." Yoongi saw the familiar face, Tae. The Tae person that he saw yesterday. The one who is friends with Jungkook..

  "He sat here." Jimin huffed at his friend.

  Yoongi shifted uncomfortably as Tae nudged him playfully. "Hey, new student. You're in Jungkook's seat, you know?" He said. Yoongi frowned to himself. Why does he always end up sitting in Jungkook's seat?

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