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Lilith Swan

I was staring down a small beautiful pixie-like woman with molten gold eyes, deep concern evident through her expression. Panic started to burn in my chest as the unknown woman seemed to freeze on the spot with an expressionless face. She looked like stone. An uneasy feeling began to wash over me the longer she stood there.

Alice Cullen

"Hello, would you care to explain how you got into the house?" As much as I wanted to jump to the phone and call for help I had no real idea of what she was capable of, and after hearing about Bella's daring, sparkle filled escapades I don't think I want to be on the other end of the vampire's strength. She seemed to snap out of her daze before beginning her frantic questions.

"Where is Bella?!" "Is she okay?" "Are you her sister?" "Have you heard from her in the last few hours?" "How come I didn't see you?" Though that last question was more mumbled and I guess I wasn't supposed to hear it. Her rapid-fire questions did nothing to lessen the anxious feeling gnawing at my chest especially since I hadn't heard from Bella after she rushed off earlier this afternoon. But before I could begin to answer the front door slammed open with both Bella and Jacob entering with two vastly different emotions.

"Alice?" Bella beamed, her once gloomy demeanour instantly brightening upon the sight of the small woman. Though I can't say that the feeling was instantly shared, Alice seemed relatively upset at the sight of my sister and judging by her still damp hair and paler than usual complexion that she had yet again been up to something. Despite her promise.

"Would you like to explain how you're alive?" She demanded, hands on her hips.

"What?" Bella replied anxiously glancing between the two of us.

"I saw a vision of you, you jumped off a cliff, why the hell would you try and kill yourself? What about Charlie?" This seemed to jolt Bella who immediately began fidgeting with her hands while looking down at the ground.

"I didn't try to kill myself, I was cliff jumping. Recreationally. It was fun" She wiped away the tears that begun to fall down her face as she explained what actually happened to the both of us. I left them to catch up on the sofa and began to make hot drinks for me and Bella while Jacob was stalking around the ground floor, doing God knows what. Something about leeches and Bella.

After a few minutes, the phone began to ring and Jacob took the call. "Swan residence. He's not here night now. He's planning a funeral" Then he proceeded to slam the phone back onto the receiver. A small wave of anger shot down my spine at his audacity. No matter how ill I thought of Edward Cullen there was no need for Jacob to insert himself into an already delicate situation. As much as Edward isn't good for her neither is Jacob, though I suppose she did manipulate him and is about to break his heart.

Whatever love blind haze Bella was under instantly dissipated at his harsh words and she made a grab for the phone.

"Bella it was Edward, He's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too" Alice came fluttering into the kitchen, panic evident on her face. After that everything seemed to kick off as Bella ran to grab her coat.

They are going to Italy to save Edward from suicide

"I am coming with you whether you like it or not, no if, and or buts. You have already broken your promise to me not to endanger yourself for Charlie's sake and now you are about to dash off at night to go on an impromptu trip to Italy. I am can't keep pretending that everything you're doing for this boy is healthy Bella. He left you in the woods for crying out loud" I demanded as I began writing a note for Charlie. This would be just like what she did last time with James, but at least she wouldn't be breaking his heart to his face. Even after all this time and no matter how petty it may seem I just can't forgive Bella for the way that she treats people who aren't in her idealistic life plan. I guess that she just thought Charlie would be nonchalant about everything she does to him and that it wouldn't hurt his feelings.

Just as Bella was about to object Alice stopped her. "She can come with us Bella" and I was almost suspicious of her fast agreement until.

She wants you as a scapegoat in case it goes wrong

In the event I am left in Italy to die, at least I can hopefully bring Bella back to Charlie

How we ended up in a bright yellow Porsche speeding down the near-empty Italian roads into Volterra was beyond me, but If was Alice was saying was true then there were only five minutes left to save Edward.

"He'll be under the clock tower go!" and before another breath could be taken Bella ran off into the crowd of chanting red cloaks. Due to the police monitoring the festivities we had to find someplace else to park the car.

As much as I didn't trust Alice Cullen I loved my dad more. If following my selfish sister to Italy to ensure her safety, thus saving his sanity, then it was a journey I was willing to make. If only she would think about how her actions affected those around her than maybe we wouldn't be here in the first place.

Cliff diving

Motorcycle racing

Storming over to a boy's house when his father doesn't want you there

Involving yourself in a vampires life when he pushes you away

This whole scenario could have been avoided. Had she thought about her actions and what they would cause.

Alice pushed open the doors to the clock tower with surprising strength. Whatever she said went past my ears as I looked over to Bella clutching a bronze haired boy as if he would disappear if she let go for merely a second. His eyes were sunken in an awful shade of purple. Hair dishevelled and dull. Even for an undead creature of the night, his pale skin was almost grey and tired looking. This boy looked like he had been forced to exist, though if what I have gathered of the story is true then he basically had. As we made eye contact his face twisted into something awfully confused and almost frustrated.

Edward Cullen

But before I could ponder any longer on my thoughts, they were disturbed by the sense of someone looking down my back, sending shivers down my spine. I looked over to see a pair of men. The one on the left was far shorter than his companion. Though by glancing at him, this was something that couldn't be helped. He had a charming smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The one on the right, however, caught my attention in a way I could never prepare myself for. As we looked into each other's eyes, some part of my subconscious mind clicked into place with an immediate sense of satisfaction, a part of my mind that wasn't even aware it wasn't satisfied until this very moment. I could only describe it as my soul calling out across the universe for a lover lost long to time.


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