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Lilith Swan

"La tua cantante" His eyes lighting up in wonder "Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" His voice was soft and smooth if not just a touch unsettling, though I am sure that this is just a result of our present circumstances.

"It's not without difficulty" Edward croaked with an almost snarky undertone.

"yes, I can see that" Aro continued to hold Edward's hand as if he were searching for something.

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch" Edward explained to us, mainly Bella, before turning back to the vampire before him "Well now you know everything so get on with it" For the position, he was currently in Edward was both curt and rude.

"You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating" Aro's eyes flicked between my sister and her lover. Maybe he can't read her thoughts because her head is empty. Edward's golden eyes harshly turned to me before returning to Aro. "And judging by the second girl we have here with us today, and a distinct lack of her presence in you memories Edward, I clearly don't know everything" Aro appeared before me faster than my eyes could track however, he did not appear to be threatening me, rather looking with a sense of curiosity. "And what would your name be my dear?"

"Lilith Swan sir" I fought hard to keep my voice steady and composure collected under his watchful gaze.

"Lilith my dear, may I" He delicately held out his pale papery hand for me to take, and so I did. There was no indication on my end that he was searching through my memories. No other physical or mental sensations aside from my hand in his.

"Eccezionale" His milky red eyes filled with almost child-like glee "How absolutely extraordinary to have such a gift as yours" He gently released my hand before guiding me over to Felix and Demetri before he held his hand out for Marcus to take. Much like in the lift I felt Felix's large hand on my wrist which immediately filled me with a sense of comfort. "Today truly is blessed for us as our dear Felix as found his mate" Aro was now stood at the base of the centre steps with a wide cat-like grin.

"You said the girl was a gift brother, what is it?" Came the sharp voice of Caius, who had now lent forward on his throne, hands gripping the arms tightly.

"Clairaudience, she can hear a many manner of truths and intentions from those around her"

"So what? she can hear voices in her head?" Came the disgruntled snipe of my sister, who was now cowering into Edward's arm.

"I wouldn't say I hear voices in my head, but rather I experience a series of auditory intuitions that never seem to be wrong" If anyone is going to call me crazy, I am not letting it be Bella Swan.

"How does it work and how did you know?" Caius questioned with malice hidden intrigue.

"At first, I didn't notice it, I would wonder simple thing like 'where did I put my keys' or 'where is my lecture hall' simple things that were reasonable for me to have known and just remembered. However, every single time I asked the response I would get from my mind was always correct. But then I started to get answers to questions I definitely couldn't have known, such as the names of people I've never met before and being able to tell exactly when someone is lying to me or when they are telling the truth. For the names of people, my gift works automatically after a small observation I know who they are, similar to lies I am told after I have heard their statement. However, for general 'intuitions' or other questions, I just have to ask, either out loud or in my head and the answer soon follows" The angry blonde seemed satisfied with my explanation and Aro looked like he had just won the lottery with how the excitement seemed to take over his face.

Clairaudience / / F. VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now