Chapter 3 - Tightrope

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Adrien's P.O.V
12:00 Noon

Okay, so next my class started their test. I can finally reply to a text. I look at my phone. It's from Marinette. I open my phone, I notice Lila peeking over my shoulder. "Please stop, Lila." I whisper to her, a few students lift their heads, but I ignore it.


Felix wanted to know if
we were all free for dinner
tonight with him and Bridgette?
Do you think you can make it?

Dang it. I don't think I can. The deadline for grades is in a month, I should get a head start.

Sorry. Can't.
Wish I could.

The second the text goes through, my phone rings. It's Marinette. "Hello?" I ask, not as happy as I should of. "We need to talk." I'm so confused. I walk into the hallway, closing the door behind me. "The way you've been acting has been unacceptable. I'm not going into full details, since we're on the phone, but know this." She paused.

"You are on very rough ground, Agreste." She said, hanging up before I could say anything. She scares me when she calls me 'Agreste'. Like, doesn't she know she's an Agreste too? I start panicing. I know I haven't been acting the best, but I am trying to give my wife and children the best life. They don't need me for that.

Agreste/Dupain-Cheng House
Adrien's P.O.V

"Adrien!" My wife shouts from downstairs. The rain pours hard against the window as I run down the stairs. I see Sabine and Tom at the door. Hugo and Louis have backpacks. "Where are they going?" I ask confused. "I thought they would enjoy going over to my parents for the evening. Have a problem with that?" She asks sarcastically. She arms crossed infront of her. She gives me the death stare. "N-No. No problem at all." Hugo and Louis run to me and hug me. "Bye!" They say. I ruffle their hair and kiss their heads. Sabine and Tom look almost confused as I am by Marinette's current behavior.

The kids wave and walk out the door with Sabine and Tom. They close the door behind them. "We need to talk." She says, I get nervous. "Let's sit on the couch." She says walking over to our black couch, her heels click against the wooden floors. I sit next to her on the opposite end of the couch, keeping my distance. When she is mad, she is like a ticking time bomb. She can explode at any time.

"So, what's up?" I ask her, trying not to hide my anxiousness. "I am sick and tired of the way you've been acting the past few months." She says. "What? Why?"

"You have been obsessed with your work. You've missed your son's baseball games. You miss going to parties with our friends. I know, you have work to do. But, you do have time to atleast take one hour out of busy schedule and play a board game with the kids and I. Or, watch a movie with us." She says, angrily.

"So, what are you saying?" I ask her, angrily back. "I hate to say it." She stands. "But, you've turned into your father." A few tears roll down her face as she runs up into their bedroom, locking the door behind her. "My father?!" I shout, loud enough for her to hear me from upstairs. I run up after her. I lean against the locked door. "I've made sacrifices, Mari. More than you'll ever know." I say to her. She unlocks the door. She opens it and looks into my eyes, tears stained on her face.

"Sacrifice?" She says. "I've made so many sacrifices, so don't say I haven't." She says to me. "Sacrifices?" I ask her, walking into our bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed. I can see her get angry. She's about to explode. 1. 2. 3.

"I COULD HAVE BEEN LIVING MY LIFE LONG DREAM BEING A TOP FAMOUS FASHION DESIGNER WORKING FOR AUDERY BOURGEOIS!" She shouts. "I COULD'VE GONE TO GO TO THE TOP FASHION COLLEGE IN NEW YORK!" She started to cry. "But, I didn't. I have had so many opportunities, but I've always declined them...for you." She says looking out the window.

"What do you mean? I've never told to decline everything. I'm fact, I wished you wo-" I was interuppted. "No. We would of had to move away Paris. You wouldn't of liked that. So, don't say I should've taken them. Because I know I should've." She turns around, her mascara starting to run down her face. "Don't say I didn't make sacrifices." She says. She turns around leaves. "Where are you going?" I ask her.

"To my children. Because, I want to spend time with them." She walks into the bathroom, to I assume fix her makeup. "I want to spend time with them too!" I shout back, walking down the hall to her. "Don't you dare say I don't want to spend time with my children! I AM NOT MY FATHER!" I shout. She fixes her makeup and walks down the stairs. We don't speak. I watch as she makes her way out to the car with Tikki. She starts to drive to the bakery. I stand at the door way, starting to cry, wondering...

when did it all go wrong...

Here's a song from The Greatest Showman: Listen to my lyrics: (this is what the chapter was Inspired by and why it's named that)

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