Chapter 11

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Ian's P.O.V

"So, who's your favourite painter?" Chloe asks me as we walk to the next painting.

"I don't have one," I say.

"Of course," I hear her whisper.

Chloe brought me to an art exhibition for young aspiring artists to showcase some of their work. Most of the paintings so far have been nice. Everyone has their own way of expressing themselves through different types of art.

Everyone's art should be priceless.

"So, what do you think?" She asks me, looking at the painting in front of us.

"It lacks some colour and emotion for me but it's nice nonetheless," I say looking at the black, white and grey figures dancing in the snow.

"I semi agree with you. I don't think I would like it if it had more colour, but I'll definitely prefer it if it had more emotion in it," she says, clicking her tongue.

"When did you start taking photos?" I ask her as we move on to the next painting.

"It was when I and my family went to Rome when I was 15. My dad always used to be the one taking the photos on our trips but that year I wanted to do it. So, he gave me his camera and I just started taking pictures. I fell even more in love with photography when I got the printed picture in my hands. The more I took pictures and the more I looked into finding my personal style the better I was getting at it. When did you start painting?"

I look away from her and keep my eyes on my white worn-out trainers instead. I put my hands into the pockets of my khaki bomber jacket thinking how to answer that question without giving too many details.

"I was 10 when I started painting. I had an art class in school, and it was my favourite subject. One day I lied to my parents that I had to create a painting as an assignment. They bought me 2 canvases and different colours and paintbrushes. I started painting using the brushes, but I quickly became frustrated as it wasn't going as I wanted it to. I threw them away and just picked up a lot of paint with my fingers and started messing around the canvas. That's when I realise that my fingers are my paintbrushes. It felt a lot more special and powerful that way. So yeah, that's all, " I ended up saying.

"So, you always wanted to be a painter?" 

She bumps lightly her shoulder on my arm while looking at me.

"Yeah, I guess I always did, how about you?"

"Oh, I wanted to be a detective when I was young, " she says excitedly.

I turn my body towards her, looking at her up and down with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" She asks, tilting her head to the side a bit.

"You, a detective?" I ask puzzled by what she said.

"Yeah, me a detective why not?" She asks, crossing her arms in front of her chest whilst looking me in the eye. 

"I mean you're a bit on the more, petite and almost no muscle at all?" 

She wasn't short but her body structure was petite if that makes sense.

"Are you saying that I'm short? and are you assuming my detective skills based on how I look?" I put up a hand to stop her from talking.

"You know what you're right. If I was a criminal right now and you were interrogating me like this, I would be so petrified I would've broken down laughing, " I tell her, walking past her to go to the next painting. 

I think we stayed on that one for long enough and it wasn't that interesting just a banana melting.

"Wait was that compliment or an insult, I can't determine it?"

Oh, my Lord!

Where did I find this girl?!

"That was, of course, a compliment I wouldn't dare insult you, " I say, hoping that we can move to a different subject.

"Oh okay, that's good cause you never know I might end up being a detective in the future if photography paycheck isn't enough, " she sounds kinda excited about this.

How am I supposed to tell her that the world would probably catch on fire if she was a detective nicely?

I turn around, looking at her with my mouth ready to let the words come out, but I hesitate. Sometimes they say it's better to leave crazy people in their world.

She looks at me expectantly.

"I think photography suits you more without meaning though that you wouldn't be a good detective, " I say as if I'm reading this off a script for the first time.

"Okay?" She says, squinting her eyes a bit. 

Oh, thank God, we ended that on a good note! I turn around on the heels of my shoes and start walking towards the exit seeing as we saw all the paintings.

"But I could also have a pet pigeon if I was a detective, couldn't I?"

Oh no!

What should I say now? She loves pigeons and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

This girl is weird in a nice way though.

"Why would you need a pet pigeon as a detective?"

"Well, you know there was a whole theory about pigeons being used as spies even though I don't believe that but if it's actually real then maybe I-"

"Okay I get it that's enough, " I cut her off in hopes that she'll stop talking about it for good this time.

"Are we done talking about fucking pigeons now?" I say as I turn to look at her. 

Her smile gets bigger by the second, what is going on?

"What?" I voice my thoughts.

"It's just funny when you get frustrated over pigeons, " she says before she starts cackling. 

God that laughs of hers! I shake my head unable to keep a smile off my face. 

"Are you done laughing at me now?" I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, it's just that pigeons would be the last thing that I would think would make you frustrated cause pigeons, pigeons!" She started calm and collected but halfway through speaking her laughter just came rushing back but this time I join her.

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. 

"Pigeons aren't the ones making me frustrated, is the girl talking about them," I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Yeah, right and I believe you," she says, walking off smiling. 

This is the second time I laugh and it's once again because of her. 

This girl is doing something to me, and I don't know what but I think it's good.


Chloe and her pigeons, what a girl, right?

I hope you like this chapter, next one is coming out on Wednesday.

Feel free to comment & vote ❤️

I hope you have a great day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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