[25; hoping to prolong]

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[google search: what does it mean if my soulmate mark is fading?]


[about 800, 283 results (0.85 seconds)]




"Soulmate bond faded after partner passed away"

"My partner and I split up after both our marks disappeared"

"Soulmate tattoo disappearing?"

"My eyes used to be blue because of my soulmate; the color faded away"

"Soulmate-related illness"

"Soulmate passed away"



The week of internships had finally come to an end.

During this period, a lot of things had happened, but the most noteworthy incident was, of course, the apprehension of Stain—and the fact that three of your classmates had come face-to-face with him.

For this reason, you weren't at all shocked to find the rest of the students clustered around Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki when you arrived for your first day back. Even though you'd spoken to them and Uraraka over the phone after everything had gone down, you still couldn't imagine how it must've felt to be faced with such malice and to be caught in the fray with one of the most sought-out villains of the time. You saw it in the way they carried themselves, too; somehow, they all looked different. More mature, you'd say.

Then again, you'd probably have to be, after an experience like that.

You worried for your friends, and made sure to greet them as soon as you got the chance, but you'd be lying if you said this was the biggest thing on your mind. After all, you also had your fair share of problems—and it didn't seem like they'd be going away anytime soon.

Izuku was rambling now, gushing about who about the hero, Gran Torino, whom he'd been interning with prior to the Hero Killer incident. You nodded your head, but your eyes had long glazed over and fallen absentmindedly towards your hip. You were temped to lift up the edge of your shirt to get a look at the infamous mark; you probably would've if not for the fact that you were surrounded by all your classmates.

It was becoming routine now—every moment of the day, you itched to steal a glance at your tattoo and see what the damage was. So far, ever since you'd discovered the fading in your bathtub, it had generally remained the same. There was no new fading, as far as you could tell...

Or maybe not, and you were just trying to convince yourself otherwise.

You swallowed thickly, making sure to nod your head again as Izuku flashed you a grin and continued babbling on. The truth was that ever since Monoma had come forth to you, every fiber of your being had been itching to find the answers. Yet still, each time you tried to open a book or a new tab online, you got the same answer—

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