[47; new arrangements]

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[Katsuki's POV]

Katsuki was tired.

It was one thing to spend his time training and working on improving his Quirk—at least that had its payoffs, and was enjoyable, to some extent—but unpacking all these boxes was boring, repetitive, and took way too damn long. At least he was almost done. He couldn't wait to tuck in for bed early.

Well, this was the worst part, after all. Frankly, he was a little surprised that his family had been okay with him moving into the dorms, what with his recent capture by the League. He supposed it showed that they had faith in the teachers and pro heroes working at U.A. What was even more surprising was that your parents had approved it, too.

Katsuki kicked a stray cardboard box to the side, letting out a lofty sigh. He remembered his first and last meeting with your father. It was rather convenient that the two of you would be living in the dorms together, since it meant that he wouldn't have to interact with your parents for some while. At least he'd bought himself some time to prove that shitty dad of yours wrong.

There were a lot of things on his mind, really, that he hadn't stopped to think about before arriving here with his suitcase in tow. For starters, you'd essentially be living together. Not in the conventional sense, sure, but he'd be able to see you first thing in the morning, and right up until you headed off to bed. A memory of the sleepover you'd shared drifted to the surface. Katsuki scowled and bit down on his lip in an attempt to fend off his blush.

This was good, though. You'd have so many more opportunities to see one another. It would be better this way. He wouldn't have to worry about your safety so long as he had a general idea as to where you were most of the time. His promise with your father aside, Katsuki was never going to allow a repeat of that capture.

U.A's probably amped up their security measures, too. They won't be able to pull some shit like that again.

He'd pretty much finished unpacking. Maybe you were done, too, and you could hang out in his room together.

"Yo, Bakubro!" The shitty red-head—Kirishima—greeted him with a smile as he made his way into the communal area downstairs. "You all done unpacking?"

"No shit," he dismissed, eyes scanning the room. "Where's [Name]?"

"Hm, I don't know. None of the girls have come down yet. Maybe they're—oh! Here they come!"

A cluster of female classmates had arrived in tandem. Katsuki spotted you laughing as you spoke to the round-faced one. He flushed for seemingly no reason. The amount of times he'd seen you smile was almost innumerable, but it still made his heart lurch in his chest.

How the hell were you so cute?

"Boys!" Ashido beckoned. "If you're all done with your rooms, us girls were discussing having a little fun event right now!"

Probably something stupid, Katsuki thought. He shuffled over towards you, one hand in his pocket. Your eyes lit up as you spotted him.

"Hey, Katsuki-kun. How's your room looking?"

"Amazing," he bragged, "how else?"

"Ha-ha. I should've known better than to ask."

"Let's go to my room and hang out," he said, noting the way Uraraka's bottom lip went taut. Ha. She probably thought she'd get to have you all to herself.

"She can't, Bakugou-kun." As expected, shitty round-face had something to say. She placed her hands on her hips and stared up at him defiantly. "Mina-chan was just about to say, but we're holding a room competition, where everyone shows theirs off and then we vote on who our favorite is."

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