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When we arrive at Alpha Delta Phi, I abandon Zara and Jake and go in search of Tanner.

It's not long until I catch sight of him among the sea of other hockey team members playing beer pong around the kitchen table and as I weave through the spectators and make my way closer to him, I manage to get a clearer vision of Tanner and my mouth drops open in a breathy laugh. I can't believe this is what he chose his Halloween costume to be.

My mind travels back to my first party here when I called Tanner a firefighter after he took care of me when I was drunk. I was hoping that he would have forgotten this, but it seems he didn't and has chosen to remind me of this in his costume.

Though, I have to admit he does look incredibly hot in the uniform. He's wearing a navy shirt that clings to his chest and has red suspenders on top that secures to the waist of his black pants. His bare biceps are on show showing off his ink and as he focuses on his turn in the game and rubs the ball between his fingers, the muscles in his arm flexes, and it's a beautiful sight to behold.

"Yes!" Tanner cheers, slapping his hand against his teammate after he gets the ball in his opponent's cup, bringing me back to the present.

I shake my head and watch his opponent down the cup, reminding myself that I am in the middle of a party and shouldn't be thinking of climbing Tanner like a firefighter pole. When the guy drains the cup and throws it in the trash can, I look back at Tanner and see him watching me. From the smile creeping on his face, I take it that he likes my skeleton bodysuit and that I may be having the same effect on him as he is on me.

He says something to his friend before leaving the table, and he skirts around the room and envelops me in a hug, squeezing my ass in the process.

I squeal from his touch and push his chest back. "Tanner! People might be watching."

He chuckles deeply and caresses my cheek. "Sorry, babe. You just look so fucking hot."

"Thank you."

"Your contacts look so sexy," he croons, tipping my head back so he can look into my eyes. "So mesmerizing," he murmurs, leaning in and kissing me lightly. Before I can get used to the feel of his lips against mine he pulls away.

"I'm glad you like them," I breathe, feeling light-headed all of a sudden.

"And what do you think about my costume?" he asks, spreading his arms wide.

I lift a brow and try my hardest to look unimpressed, but I can't stop my cheeks from heating as I get a full view of him in the uniform once more. "A firefighter? I can't believe you would wear this, no wait, I actually can. Did you really wear this after what I called you?"


Hm, maybe I should start comparing to him to more people in uniforms if this is how he's going to respond.

"You're so childish."

"But do you like it?"

"It's... okay."

"Just okay? I've heard a few of the other girls here say I look hot."

I know he's trying to make me admit how I really feel about him looking like this, and hearing that he may have some female admirers here tonight is annoyingly making me jealous.

"Fine," I cave, rolling my eyes. "Yes, you look freaking hot. Happy now?"

"Yes," he smiles, clearly pleased with himself. Leaning forward, he lowers his voice and breathes against my ear. "You know, I can always take my shirt off and just have the suspenders over my chest if you want."

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