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When my scan comes back with no concerns, the medical team goes through the discharge procedure and advises me on the medication I need to take, how to take care of my injuries, and what days to attend follow-up appointments to check how my leg and skull are healing. After I've signed the relevant documents and received my crutches, I hobble little by little down the hallways to the waiting room to meet my parents and friends.

By the time I make it in the waiting room, I find my mom and dad standing in a corner, talking in hushed tones with Tanner, while Zara and Ben are sitting in the metal chairs, looking at them with concern. A chill passes over me as something doesn't feel right.


My mom's head snaps in my direction, and she gives a small smile. "Look who's standing up all by themselves."

I look down at my metal crutches. "Yeah. The scan came out fine, so I'm allowed to go home now."

"That's good."

Tanner smiles at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes. He walks over to me and runs his hand through my red hair.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I don't want you to worry, but I have to go home. I've managed to book a flight which leaves in less than two hours."

My brow scrunches together. "Why?"

"Maggie's gone into labor a few weeks early."

I release a small gasp and bring my hands to my mouth. "Oh no! Are Maggie and the baby okay?"

It quickly dawns on me that I was supposed to be at her baby shower yesterday before she relaxed for her scheduled due date in January.

"The doctors have given her an injection to halt the contractions and are monitoring her and the baby. They don't think he's coming anytime soon, but I want to try to get there before he does."

I blow out a breath. "Yeah, of course. Poor Maggie."

"I'm sorry I have to leave you. If it wasn't an emergency, I'd stay."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about me; I'm fine. Just focus on Maggie and give her a hug from me when you see her."

"I will." He smiles, then leans down and presses his lips to my forehead.

"We'll only be apart for a few days, and then once you're home, we can get around to celebrating Christmas," he murmurs against my skin.

I lift my eyes to see his face and sigh. "That sounds like a good plan."

He kisses my forehead again and then says a quick goodbye to everyone before he leaves the waiting room as he heads for the hospital exit.

I really hope that he's able to make it in time for the birth, and I pray that it goes smoothly.

Zara gets up from her seat and makes her way over to me. "I'm sure everything is going to be fine, Leah. If Tanner's sister is anything like him, then she's a fighter."

I nod my head in agreement. "She is."

Now that we're directly opposite to each other, Zara wears a face like she's preparing for a telling-off, but all I want to do is hug my friend.

She nervously twists one of her many earrings around with the tips of her fingers. "I'm really sorry for the part I played in the whole Shawn thing. I was only trying to look out for you."

I smile, wanting her to see that there is no judgment in my eyes. "Come here."

I adjust my crutches and lean on my good leg as I reach my arms out and hug Zara, running my hand up and down her back soothingly.

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