Ch. 9, The Castle Beneath the Sun

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Morning began to grow all around me, and any doubts at the bargain I had made evaporated with the rising sun. There was almost too much to take in at once.

I wanted to throw my head back and laugh, yet couldn't for a moment bare to miss anything.

The Human Realm was real!

The sun, burning so much brighter than I'd imagined, brighter than a hundred dragons breathing fire, so bright I couldn't look at it for longer than a glimpse. And the sky! In The Dark Realm the sky hung low like a ceiling, painted shades of black and grey, but here it was as if the boldest painter had unleashed his imagination above. What a shade of blue! If laughter were a color, it would have been that color of the sky above. At first it was disoritating, so high and clear above that it felt like if a giant turned the world upside down and shook I would fall off and fall into forever.

I strolled onward, taking in the trees, green like I didn't know could exist. Green you could drown in, green so deep you could sink your hand in and never stop! There were small creatures of all shapes and sizes, brightly colored birds, small, adorable fuzzy creatures. None seemed remotely interested in talking with me, yet I was shocked that not even one tried to eat, maim or roast me alive. I was about to compose an impromptu song about how beautiful the sun was, when something in my pocket moved. I jumped, pulling out the magic mirror and— Dragons Dung! it was alive! It shuddered again, and the screen lit up. I peered forward, at the perfect, tiny letters.

I laughed at the tiny writing— how delightful! His warning seemed silly beneath the bright sun

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I laughed at the tiny writing— how delightful! His warning seemed silly beneath the bright sun.

Besides, the sky was blue, and a few wonderful creatures chirped out strange little noises and flew around me. I looked up and through the mist saw something that felt familiar for the first time here.

A castle.

I immediately settled back into my earlier training, slipping through the forest quiet as a shadow— which I had to admit was much more difficult with the blazing sun above. How in the darkness did humans hide here? I made my way to through the forest to the small castle, noting how strange it was as I drew closer. For one, it had no mote or portcullis, or frankly, any system of visible defense. The windows were huge! What in the name of darkness could anyone ever want with such large windows?

Even though it was situated in a forest, it ruined all sense of disguise with the black flat path that cut through the trees and led straight up to the castle.

I slunk through the trees, wary for hidden traps, or enemy archers, but not a single soul assaulted me. Lorcan had told me before of the human versions of peacekeepers, called policemen, but I failed to see how even an entire force of trained men could protect a castle in the woods... unless the human realm really was so wondrous there was no need to worry about invaders, or beasts? With nothing to stop me, I soon found myself before a heavy wooden door with a brass knocker. I knocked firmly on the door and then stood back to wait, wishing I had my dagger, or my sword, or even Poxel's slight weight on my shoulder.

While I waited I took in the rest of the entryway. There was a tiny brass sign that read NO SOLICITORS. I made a mental note to assert that I was also opposed to the evil Solicitors. A small doormat read "Welcome", and I was contemplating turning it over to make sure the other side didn't read "to Hell" when the door opened. 

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