Ch. 32, A Realm Without Magic

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Thus, with a single drop of blood, both sealed their fates forever.

The older sister returned to the throne room, to find her father had fallen gravely ill. The magic that has once given him power, now turned against him, poisoning him and weakening him with every beat of his heart. Knowing the magic would soon kill him, the King fled, never to be seen in the Dark Realm again.

And so the eldest sister took the throne.

The younger sister journeyed to the Dark Shore, to find her handsome sailor gone. The dark mer told her that a beautiful ship had sailed into the harbor, and far, far on the horizon, a single star shone bright to guide his way. He had left her only a simple message that he would return for her when he had a ship and crew of his own.

The younger sister was heartbroken for she knew what he did not; that he would never find his way back, and she now carried his unborn child. As her elder sister grew in power and ambition, the younger sister feared she would kill any child that threatened her reign.

And so the younger sister returned in secret a final time to the Blood Rose. She begged the rose grant her passage out of The Dark Realm, to a Realm without magic where she could raise her child in peace.


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