2| Spark in the Heart

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The sun shined through the blinds, leaving a soft glow on Y/N's skin. They grumbled and moved in the covers, trying to hide their face in the blankets. They felt their head lightly getting poked...then their neck, and face. The h/c person smacked the hand and groaned, turning to the other side. Y/N heard the bed slightly squeak and become lighter. Finally. Comfortable at last. Then a gush of wind blew in their face.

"Willow!" Y/N quickly sat up and shoved Willow off the bed.

Willow burst out laughing while Y/N heard a small giggle in the distance. Behind the door was Gregory, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Hurry up and get ready, we wanna go to the PizzaPlex!" Willow laughed.

"Okay okay, could you all get out then?" Y/N said, crossing their arms.

Willow and Gregory left the room, but Y/N could still hear their faint waves of laughter.

✰    ✰    ✰

Everyone finally arrived at the PizzaPlex. Y/N, Willow, and Gregory all looked outside the car windows. The mall was huge. It was three stories high, with a huge Fazbear sign above the entrance.
The parking lot was full, leaving Aunt Jess with a small groan. She pulled up to the entrance and looked at the kids.

"Here's some money for food, Y/N, Willow. I trust two nineteen-year-olds with money and a child?" Aunt Jess asked.

Y/N and Willow both nodded.

"Alright then. I'll pick you all up at 4, stay safe." Aunt Jess smiled.

"Thanks!" Gregory chirped as he and the teens got out of the car.

The three of them entered the PizzaPlex. The building was spacious, large, and tall. Colorful bright lights shined in all the rooms. Music and chatter filled the air of the mall. Sensor gates were near the entrance, followed by a huge golden Glamrock Freddy statue with a fountain in the center.

"Woah.." said Y/N, looking around the breathtaking building. Tall images of the characters were near large rooms with clear glass so you can see right inside...

"Alright! We've been paid for, let's go!" Willow cheered as Y/N and Gregory followed behind.

The room expanded into the main floor. There were shops, food areas, and arcades. Large bridges and escalators were high above, with bright neon lights and palm trees that surrounded them. Groups of people of all ages were walking around, going in shops, eating, chatting, or waiting near the large stage in the middle. Gregory stared at the whole place with wide eyes and a big smile.

"This place is so cool!" The boy sang as he skipped along the checkered floor.

"Calm down Gregory, I think it's best for us to eat before checking everything out." said the
Y/N, with a raised eyebrow and a smile planted on their face.

"Yeah squirt, let's go dig in first." Willow lightly pushed Gregory closer to them, leading the way to the nearest restaurant, Pizza Pad.

✰    ✰    ✰

"This is so good!" Gregory exclaimed, taking yet another bite of his pizza.

"Tell me about it! So much better than the first Fazbears." Y/N said, with the chef's kiss hand movement.

Willow and Gregory chuckled at them, till the red-haired girl opened her mouth to speak.

✰𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄✰ (𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now