22| Kisses of Red

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The reader's pronouns are being changed to they/them. Writers are always needed on our server! Feel free to join <3
A good chunk of this story was written by one of our writers...their writing starts and ends with (—)


Faded noises of the city echoed in the air as Montgomery and Y/N made their way to the field. This time, the gator had a cover over him, in other words, four blankets quickly sewn together that were stolen from the Willow Pillow Kingdom. Though as suspicious as he looked, Monty was decently well hidden.

"How much longer until we get there?" The gator's deep voice asked, his tail twitching with concern as he looked around.

"Someone's impatient." Y/N hummed. "It's just beyond those trees."

Not too far was a line of trees, the entrance to the small forest where the meadow is near. The two grew closer to it, then they finally arrived.

The air was fresh and the birds chirped loudly. Montgomery quickly took the coat off, dashing towards the meadow as Y/N followed behind.

He grabbed the woven basket with his claws, making his way to the trees that stood in front of the strawberry patch.

"Come on!" he spoke excitedly, stomping past the trees and towards the patch behind them. Y/N let out a small laugh and followed the giant gator.

Another small flock of doves flew above Y/N, startled by the robot that practically trampled over the red berries. "Monty!" They called out. "You need to be careful with what's around you."

"Don't worry Y/N, I'm always aware of my surroundings." The gator said with pride, right before a large dove flew out, grabbing the strawberry that Montgomery held in his claw.
He flinched when the dove snatched his strawberry, then he glanced at the dove flying away with his strawberry "HEY! THAT WAS MINE!! COME BACK!!!" The gator yelled at the dove before sitting down on the ground with a pout.

Y/N chuckled quietly and crossed their arms while gazing at the upset gator. "What did I tell you?" They say calmly with soft smiles on their face.

"I know, I know..." Monty groaned before sighing roughly, he didn't really have the energy to get up and continue picking strawberries anymore. The dove ruined the dramatic gator's mood.

Y/N chuckled softly and walks towards the upset gator, then they gently pat his shoulder and gazes at him with a soft smirk. "Hey, it's alright! We still have plenty of strawberries to pick!" They calmly spoke in a reassuring tone.

Monty slowly turned to Y/N with a disappointed look on his face, but he sighs roughly and gets up from sitting on the ground. The gator smiles lightly and places his hands on his hips. "Alright... I'm still mad at that dove though."

Y/N let out a small laugh and gazes at him for a little longer. "You can be mad if you want, Monty. But that's not gonna make them come back and apologize." They walk off with Monty to another patch of strawberries to then pick some more strawberries.

Montgomery followed Y/N to all of the strawberries, so he quickly shoves the woven basket against Y/N's hands for them to put the berries in. Right when the gator laid his eyes on the strawberries being placed in the basket, he quietly grabs a few of them and chows down.

Y/N continues to put some strawberries in the woven basket, deciding to take a look only to see that there weren't as many strawberries as they thought there would be. But, once they glanced at Monty, their little strawberry problem was solved. Y/N chuckled lightly and finally speaks. "You enjoying the strawberries?"

✰𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄✰ (𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now