Chapter 36

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"Bambina." Alessandro had his face nuzzled onto my neck, hugging me from behind.

He smelt like sweat and a faint amount of cologne, indicating that he just came back from working out. I didn't care that he was sweaty at the moment. Being in his warm, comforting embrace is all I need.

"Done working out?" I asked, dangling a piece of bacon strip in the air in which Alessandro managed to catch with his mouth.

"Yup, gotta keep these guns," flexing his arms and hitting his muscles," packed, for you to admire."

This man had never failed to make me blush crimson red.

"God, you're so adorable when you blush." He pecked my cheek, his stubbly mustache grazing my skin, giving me the slightest of tingles throughout my body.

"Can you add some cheese on mine?"

"Sure," I said, placing the bacon strips on bread, topping it with lettuce and cheese because I wanted it too.

"Shall I make you the protein shake, Alessandro?"

"It's okay, I'm making it right now," he replied, shaking the rather nasty concoction meant for good health with the shaker.

I set up the table, and both of us started having breakfast.

"Bella, the thing you're invited, the makeup product launch I presume, it's today right?"


If you're wondering, yes, I was invited to an influencer event today. Lemme get on a tangent about it for a minute.

I certainly did not expect things are taking place at a fast pace.

One second, Alessandro announces our relationship to the public, and the other second, my face was all over the tabloids. Post after post, my face was there, considering that I follow every single tabloid on Instagram.

I mean, it pretty much expected due to Alessandro's reputation.

It was even crazy that the paparazzi recognized me from Amelia's birthday. I would not be surprised if they managed to follow me to my apartment complex or get my highschool pictures.

But neither of them happened, for now.

It's been a while since it happened, and I must say life has been changed a lot. Tens of thousands of people follow my Instagram and Twitter every day. To add on, both of my social media handles are verified.

Wow, this must be the biggest news to the world, huh. The Kardashians must be mad at me for taking their spot on the media recently.

So far, being in the spotlight is okay. Life is like usual, but there's one thing that I wish was controlled. And that is the thing that paparazzi constantly following me everywhere I go. I need to pass by them before entering work every day.

Days where I'll be coming alone will be fine. Still, things will get pretty loud whenever Alessandro and I arrive together. I get it it's their job but at least give us some privacy. We're humans too.

Because of this, I feel my privacy being invaded, but I started to be more conscious of my dressing sense and appearance.

Is my makeup okay? Is my outfit good? Do I look good today?

All these questions run through my mind daily. I will always need to look into the mirror for a few minutes before being satisfied with myself.

Being the observant person he is, Alessandro noticed it, and we had a long talk about it. He always ended the conversation by saying that I shouldn't be caring about my body image too much and just be myself. I gained some confidence after that, knowing that my boyfriend likes me for me and not only my looks.

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