Chapter 3

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"You'll be attending script reading next week for your next drama, then later this day you'll do some vlive to greet your fans, and doing the Table Around Show..."

"Aslan is also a regular member there, is he ?" I asked my manager.

"Yeah, he is. Why ? Is he give you a hard time ?" My manager asked me. I shook me head, "Nope, just asking. I heard that his personality will give you a hard time." I said.

"But he get way more better actually." Said my manager

I'm ready to do another job that also involve Aslan but this time I feel like I already let everything go. "Mila,'s nice to see you again." Jack greetings me with warmth. We've been work on the same project around two years and he look like my father.

"Jack, it's been a long time, how is your family ?"

"They are good, they still give me they are fine." He said.

I took a sit across Jack and the sit on my right was empty while on the left side there is this woman on already smile at me. "Hi, nice to meet you Mila." She said.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you too." I said to her.

We talk for a while about what we like, where is my salon, what we usually do on our day off and etc.

"Everyone please stand by!" Said the producer.

My make up team comes to me to do some final check while I could feel someone took a sit on my right side. The table pretty small for me so we could accidentally touching each other. Usually I don't mind with thos skin contact but with the fact that Aslan is the one who sit on my right side makes me want to change my seat.

"Count starting from three,!"

Jack is the one who start the show while everyone just smiling widely. "For today's guest we've got a phenomenal actress and also two of Aslan team member, Emmett and Shane!"

Everyone clapping now, "I don't know why you guys in here..." Aslan said to both of his friends.

"It's because our fifth anniversary will come, so we want to celebrate it with you.." Emmett said.

"I feel like they gonna open my secrets here." Aslan said while both of his friends smile widely.

"So, we also have Mila here everyone. Hello, look awesome as usual." Jack told me

"Actually I'm your fans, really..." Emmett said to me and I can't help but smile at him

"I'm so happy that you love my works...I do like your songs too, the one with your other member ?" I said to him

"Ah...the song that Dave and I did years ago..? Thank you, I'm so honoure." Emmett said kindly.

"Mila did you heard their song ?"

"The full member one ?" I asked again, I could feel Aslan looking at me right now.

"Uhm...I don't think so because rehearsals really taking my time but I will listen to it after this." I said.

Everyone clapping again, I could say we already get the atmosphere here. I could be more relax now. "So, three of you, your group has been working together for the last five years, it's not a short time period, you've been through a lot...But what makes you still together though ?" Jack asked Emmett and Shane while Aslan listening to the question calmly. I couldn't read his face at all.

"We do fights a lot back when we just start debut. Aslan here has a really strong personality back then and really really giving everyone a hard time."

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