Chapter 16

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Aslan POV 

Waiting the sugery to be over is like living a hell.

 I walk back and forth only to found another hour has been past. Dave and Emmett helping me by talking to the others about my plan to get a lawsuit and make a statement.

So far, our leader, Alex really supporting me. Our management still arranging anything that we will need to file the lawsuit.

 "Mila Wren's guardian.."

Me, Emmett, and Dave standing up from our sit and I walk towards the doctor.

"That's me, I'm her boyfriend." I told the doctor.

He nodded his head, " Her condition is still in a dritical condition at least for another 24 hours. She broke her right leg but we manage to put some metal on it, it will heals but she will need a long recovery time. The bleeding on her stomach also pretty bad, we need to do more observations to make sure the bleeding stop, then also she broke three of her ribs..It will hard for her to breath or mave when she wakes up. Her head, well...we need to see when she wakes up, we do hoping that she won't get any serious concussions."

When the doctor told me everything about Mila's condition, there is only one thing that going through my is beacuse of me.

I nod my head after the doctor done with his explanation and I walk towards her manager.

 "I'm sorry for making her get into this situation. I feel like this is my fault and that's why I will be the one who gonna file the lawsuit and I will release the statement. I will taking care of everything, so please when she wakes up, just tell her that everything are done. If she ever asking about me, tell her I don't want anything to do with her. You can't let her contact me, promise me for it." I said to her manager.

Her manager shook his head no, "You can't taking everything and blaming yourself for this accident. We know they are your fans but you don't know the accident will happen.. we can't do that to her, I won't lie to her and prevent her to lookig out for you in the future."

"You should." I said to him and walking towards lobby.

I think I will only bring her a hardtime after all this time. She always ends in a sorrow everytime she get involved with me and I'm always be the one of her unhappiness.

Mila POV 

"Remember you don't have to taking all the burden on your shoulder. Aslan, your team, everyone that close to you are willing to helping you, Mila. We always be with you, too." Said my dad.

I nodded my head, " Thank you, mom and dad, I love you both.. I promise you to live a better life." I said to them.

After I said that to my parent, I could see this very blinding lights. "Follow the lights baby, you will find Aslan there. Remember, open your heart, you are stronger than you thought. There will be a test but you could find a way to solve the problem." My mother says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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