The truth

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Hari got me the footage. I didn't know the time, I looked at the afternoon footage. I sat down, fast forwarding the footage. Then I saw it, Malini walking towards Sree's computer. she sat on the chair, looked around and was typing into it.

I froze for a second,
"what! ", it was Malini all along? that meant Sree... She was telling the truth? No.. It can't be.. I rewinded and looked at the footage again 10 times. I zoomed it. " No.. Noo.. How did she get to know the password.. "

"And the pendrive contents, how did it reach Malini?.. Was Malini working with Sree? "
But I didn't see Malini speaking to Sree at all..

I took the phone and called Malini.

Malini: Hello, Malini here

Vikram: Hi Malini, Vikram here, I have a few questions for you and I want the truth, nothing else from you

Malini: good morning sir, what is it suddenly sir, any problem?

Vikram: I recollect that around many months back, Sree accused you of sabotaging her work, I want to confirm if that was true, did you do that

Malini: what! No, never sir, why are you asking me

Vikram: listen to me carefully Malini, .. I want the truth and nothing else, you know my power, you know I can make you jobless for life,.. See what happened was long back.. So if you told the truth, I'll let you go on with your life..

Malini: what sir, no I didn't do anything

Vikram: I have proof Malini, cctv footage of you working on Sree's computer. Wait I'll send ..

I sent the video clip to Malini

Vikram: so, if I just sent this to your boss, your life would be over, I just want the truth. If you would tell, I'll let this all go

Malini: how can I be sure, you would not tell

Vikram: I'm a person of my word and actually you don't have any other choice.

Malini: sir, it was Sree... She asked me to do that, she blackmailed me

Vikram: have you lost it, Ms Malini, if she blackmailed you, why would you be working on her computer.
The truth! Malini, you know it won't take me seconds to get you fired!

Malini: no sir, no please,.. I'll tell you sir,.
I did it because I was jealous of her. I was waiting so long for this project, Hari told I was to work on it and she got the project. So I just deleted some files and Changed some. 

I stole her pen drive when she was in the restroom and uploaded the documents to my pc. I had some help to hack into her account and sent the mail...
I m... Sorry sir... I'm.

Vikram: you are a disgusting person! Stay away from my sister..

I cut the call. I had recorded it. Should I call Hari.. No I gave my word.. Let her get lost..

My head started aching..

I recollected what I had spoken to Sree. I felt nauseous. No.. Nooo how could I make such a mistake, why didn't I check this before coming to a conclusion.

She told me.. She told me and I didn't believe it.. Why didn't I even try to..
I realized that I don't trust people easily..

"Does that mean she didn't lock me up that day too"

What do I do now... I removed Sree from her old job. Perhaps I could get that job back for her or a better one. Ya, .. But first I have to apologize, ..

I called my secretary.

"Tell Sree to come to my office", I told. Sree came in and looked at me,

" Yes sir", she said.
" Sree I want to talk to you, sit down please", I said .She sat down.

"Sree I want to tell you that... I.. ", I stumbled I couldn't look directly at her. I couldn't..

" Take a look at this file and make corrections ", I said and handed over the file to her. She looked at me for a second and took the file and left. Why couldn't I tell her,..

I couldn't concentrate on my work. So I got out of my cabin and spoke with the managers.

At 4pm, I saw her getting out of the odc. She was going alone, probably for break.

Maybe I could catch up to her and speak with her. I rushed to follow her. She headed to the pantry where there was a coffee machine.

"Sree,.. Hi", I said. She looked at me curiously.

" You... Drink coffee here? ", she asked. "

"Huh... Oh..why not? my office my pantry, my coffee, I can drink ", I said.
She stared at me.

" My mistake I even spoke to you" she said and she turned around to leave.
What am I speaking..

"Sree, ! Wait", I called out when another employee came inside. So I acted silent and sipped the coffee.

I went near her seat and spoke to an employee about his project. I looked at Sree. She seemed busy in her work.

"Call her, I told myself. Call her!", She looked up at me and saw that I was looking at her. I moved my eyes away. That was awkward.

I texted her the next day.

Vikram : was thinking of seeing Anya, you should come too
Sree: I would prefer to go alone
Vikram: She would want to see you.
Sree: but I do not want to see you. Goodbye!

This girl!!
I was so restless. I  took my car and drove to her flat. I waited outside for half an hour. Then, I rang the bell 3 times.
She opened the door and was surprised to see me.
What was I doing here. What do I tell herr!

"Is there any problem", she asked

" Uh.. No anya..., I was going to meet her, I went past your area, so I thought I'll ask", I said.

She looked at me for a second. "Can't you read,? I told u I'm not coming, what happened, is there some problem? ", she asked. 

" No,.. I...never mind ", I said and turned back.

" Wait!, give me 5 minutes", she called out.

I waited and she came near the door dressed up. " Let's go", she said.

How did she decide to come, anyways it's a good thing.

A girl came near her door, probably her room mate. She smiled at me.

"Sree, not going to introduce me?", she asked Sree.

"Nobody important to introduce Harini", she said to the girl.

" Hi, I'm Vikram, ", I said to Harini

" Harini, nice to meet you", she said and smiled.

"Ok, if the introductions are over, we are leaving", Sree told.

Harini chuckled.

Sree rolled her eye at the girl

Sree was wearing a plain top.. Why did she seem more angry than usual, how do I tell her.. I had practiced it so many times yesterday on what I would say.. But it was very difficult..

I had never apologized to anyone before..

Will Vikram be able to apologize to Sree and will she be able to forgive him ?

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