Happily Ever After

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6 months later


6 months passed.. The entire world got to know about it.. I was taken aback by the sudden different responses by everyone..

My company got more projects because of Vikram. I even helped Vikram in his work..
And about our 2nd time marriage.. We decided to have it after Raya's and Akshara's.

Yes those two girls got married.. Both seemed really happy with their better halves..
Gautham finally fell in love with her, they just came back from their honeymoon..
Akshara and Ajay were great too, she had hers in her favorite place New York!
Ajay's surprise..

Now our turn again.. Destination wedding..

It was in an island.. They had built white tents for us to stay.. We called just close people..

My mom, grandpa, brother, aunt and her husband, school friends, Akshara, Raya, Ajay, Gautham, Veena Ma, Diya, Sanjay and a few others..

The engagement happened first..
The whole place was decorated with light colors..
I wore a grand peach Anarkali..there was a makeup person there, to help me with it..

We started with a small pooja.. Vikram came and sat next to me..
"Going to be my wife again", he whispered

" Fiancé now", I said..

My mom came near me and gave Vikram a bracelet.. He accepted it and touched her feet..

My brother came to Vikram's side

" How is it going champ! ", he asked my brother

" Great!! Everyone is surprised in office, when I tell them you are my brother in law, they are so nice because of that ", he said

I laughed.. " Don't trust these people", I told him..

It was soon time for us to come to the stage.. My mom and Veena ma brought the rings..
Veena ma gave me an ancestral neck piece..

Then we exchanged rings.. He placed the beautiful diamond ring over my finger.

He brought my fingers, close to his face and kissed them.. I widened my eyes. People are looking Vikram!

He simply smiled.. "This ring, connects my heart to yours.. I will be your brightness in life, you are my beginning and my end.. Sree", he stated out loud..

I looked into his gleaming eyes..
" You are too, ", I said

I took his ring and put it on his finger,.. The audience clapped. My friends hooted..

Flowers were thrown on us.. We fed each other sweets and the photographer took some photos..

In the evening, we were going to have mehndi and sangeeth, my mom wasn't in for that, but because of the youngsters she had to comply..

Guys weren't allowed for the mehndi.. I wore a green and red ghagra..

The mehndi lady, drew a beautiful pattern.. She wrote Vikram's name.. My friends admired it.. I recollected the last time, that seemed so far away,.. Yet so..Nearby..

As expected, I got a call from Vikram,...
I didn't pick up,..

He messaged..", meet me behind the tent"

My heart beat fast, recollecting the last time, when he did a similar thing..it left a sour taste in my mouth

Why would he repeat that! I however, followed an went there..
He pulled me, towards him..

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