Chapter 7

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Akaashi falls asleep as soon as Daichi gets him back to his apartment. He doesn't hear Daichi get Shouyou back from the neighbors, or when Suga gets back from school. For the first time in a few days, he sleeps soundly without dreaming.

He wakes up in the early hours of the morning and realizes that both Shouyou and Kei are asleep in his bed. Quietly he gets up and slips out of the room to head to the kitchen. Now that he's slept off his exhaustion he's starving. There are leftovers in the fridge from the dinner that Daichi must have cooked. Akaashi peeks in the containers to see what they are before sticking them in the microwave.

"Akaashi?" Suga's voice comes from the couch, thick with sleep.

"Oh, Suga sorry... I didn't realize you were here."

"S'okay. We were just worried. You slept like a rock." Suga sits up and runs his hand through his hair as he yawns.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately... I guess it all just hit me." he takes the bowl from the microwave and finds a pair of chopsticks then goes to the living room and drops onto the couch. He tucks his feet underneath him and eats a few bites of food.

"Daichi said that someone named Bokuto called him from your phone," Suga wraps himself in the blanket he'd been using and leans back against the arm of the couch watching Akaashi closely.

"Yes... He's one of the coaches," Akaashi pushes some food around in the bowl.

"It's that Bokuto isn't it. The one that broke your heart?"

"I... I broke my own heart Suga. He's a star. He's an amazing player and I was only holding him back. I had to let him go," He eats a piece of chicken and wonders how he can change the subject.

"But now he's gonna be around you again. Can you handle that? Kei was excited when he came home today. He said the new coach could understand sign language. He could probably manage at the practices without you."

"I... It was supposed to be something for us to do together. I want him to see that I'm just as dedicated to him as I am to Shouyou."

"Akaashi, he knows that you love him. You guys could find something else you can do together."

"If I stop going now then B... Then he'll know that it's because of him. Kei likes that club. I'm not going to ruin it for him." He puts the bowl down on the coffee table and folds his hands on his lap, trying not to fidget with them.

"Akaashi," Suga's voice is firm. Akaashi groans and buries his head in his hands.

"I know Suga... I know... I just... He didn't even hesitate. Kei told him I was having a panic attack and then he was right there. Like no time had passed. Like we were back in high school again. It felt... it felt good." Akaashi shakes his head and sits up once again. He stares down at his hands and remembers the feel of Bokuto's heart beating against his palm. "I'll be okay. It was just a shock. Now I know and I won't freak out again,"

"Do you want me to come with you on Thursday?"

"No, I can handle it... It's a bigger help for you and Daichi to take Shouyou." Akaashi doesn't want to show any more weakness. Bokuto is a part of his past and he isn't going to let it stop him from being there for his son.


Akaashi can't handle it. Thursday comes too quickly and Akaashi is freaking out a little bit as he picks Kei up and heads to the gym with him. He keeps his face neutral and tries not to fidget too much. Kei seems excited about practice, he's bouncing as they walk, hanging off of Akaashi's arm.

When they get into the gym Akaashi gives Kei his gym clothes then goes to find himself a spot on the bleachers. He's brought more work with him again, and he needs to remember to ask Ushijima if he'd have time for the interview before the end of the weekend now since he forgot about it on Tuesday. He takes out his paperwork and is looking over it when he notices someone is standing in front of him. He looks up and is surprised to see the boy with the messy hair in front of him.

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