Chapter 18

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"Keiji," Bokuto presses a kiss to the top of Akaashi's head. The dark-haired man blinks his eyes open and sits up.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to sleep," he fixes his glasses and runs his fingers through his hair.

"No apologizing. I'd let you keep sleeping but I need to use the bathroom. Can you get the kids?"

"Yeah of course," Akaashi shifts away from Bokuto and lays Kei onto the bed between them then retrieves Shouyou from the other man's legs. He gets up from the bed and tucks the toddler in next to his brother. Bokuto gets up from the bed stiffly and heads down the hall to the bathroom.

Akaashi stretches out. He's completely sore now. He needs to stop sleeping in weird positions. He goes to the kitchen to get himself a bottle of water and finds Bokuto's medication on the counter with a note in Suga's neat handwriting.

Got all the prescriptions! Tell Bokuto he owes us game tickets. Also, you can bet your ass I took a picture of your cute little cuddle puddle. You can make it your Christmas card. XOXO Suga

Akaashi laughs a bit and makes a mental note to ask Suga to send him that picture later. He needs to get the pictures from Kei's volleyball game as well. He feels bad that they didn't get to celebrate the win. Bokuto shuffles into the kitchen after a few minutes with his track jacket taken off. He takes the water bottle from Akaashi, finishing it off. Akaashi definitely is not staring at his bare chest.

"Do you think you could help me with my hair now? My head feels kinda itchy."

"Oh yeah sure," Akaashi is sure he's blushing. "You should take your medicine first. We're gonna have to take your brace off to keep it from getting wet... it's probably gonna suck."

"You got my prescriptions already?" Bokuto picks up the pharmacy bag and looks inside it.

"Suga picked it up. He says you owe him game tickets." Akaashi gets him some more water.

"I would get those for him anyway." Bokuto takes two pill bottles and a cream out of the bag and reads the instructions. He opens one of them and digs a pill out then takes the water from Akaashi and uses it to swallow the pill.

"Yeah but it's better if he thinks you're doing it to pay him back. Suga is a devil and you don't want to owe him anything." Akaashi takes both pill bottles and puts them on top of the fridge. "Don't reach for those. I'll get them down when you need them. I just don't want the kids getting their hands on them."

"Got it." Bokuto takes his hand and pulls Akaashi to the bathroom. Akaashi carefully helps him out of the brace. Like He expected the bruising looks terrible. Most of Bokuto's back is black and purple.

"I think... um..." He clears his throat. "I think there's no way to do this comfortably without you getting completely wet."

"Are you suggesting I strip Keiji?" Bokuto says with a teasing tone.

"Well... I mean you don't have to. I can probably... figure it out." Akaashi glances away. He can barely handle Bokuto shirtless let alone with any less clothing.

"Hmm no no I think you're right. I rolled around on the ground and then spent the night in a hospital. I feel pretty gross I should clean up properly. Of course, I can't really bend at all so I'm going to need help with the rest of my clothes." Bokuto has a grin on his face. Akaashi takes a deep breath, he thinks that his head might explode if he blushes anymore than he already is. Bokuto's fingers brush against his wrist. "Help me wash up Keiji?"

"I... yeah, okay.... Sure," Akaashi nods. "Let me get a chair for you." He slips out of the bathroom and puts a hand on his chest. He takes a deep breath and then goes and grabs a plastic chair from Shouyou's bedroom. Back in the bathroom, he sets the chair in the shower then turns to face Bokuto again. The older man's arms are still bandaged and Akaashi remembers that the road rash will need to be taken care of too.

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