Chapter 24 : It's Cold Outside

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❁ She's strong because she knows what its like to be weak. She keeps her guard up because she knows what it's like to cry herself to sleep. ❁

Nora's POV -

" Noriana, wake up Love. " someone calls my name and I slowly open my eyes adjusting them with light to see the face of the voice.

It's Hans Nicholas Anderson!

He has brought soup for me. This is not earth, this is definitely hell. No, there's no reason why would I get hell. This must be heaven.

" Am I in heaven? " I question while trying to sit, to which he gives a chuckle, " No Darling, it's my house. " he apprises, while feeding me soup, which feels like bliss. After eating half of the bowl, I get some energy to think.

What the hell is happening? How and why did he save me?

" Why did you save me? " I ask and look up in his direction to find him dumbfounded on my question. After few seconds of maintaining an awkward silence and ' Typical Hans ' face he finally opens up, " I promised myself to keep you alive. "

Hilarious! What an irony?

" Don't make promises you can't keep. "

" What does that suppose to mean? " he winces making me realise I said something I shouldn't have. What the hell was I even thinking?" I- I mean, I know you want to keep me alive to torment me, but I will not let that happen. " I stutter to manage the situation.

He rolls his eyes and gives a sigh of relief to pretend he really cares about me. He's a remarkable actor, I must admit.

But why would he pretend to care?

" Sir, the dinner's ready. " a guy enters the scene. Hans helps me get up and walk to the dining room. Meanwhile, I look around on the graphical printed 3D tiled walls with a combination of grey and white. Golden embedded detailing on ceiling, and lucid white marbled floor.

This classy look reminds me of Williamson Mansion.

As we reach the dining room, Charlie, pulls the chair for me while Hans helps me sit, " It's okay I'm fine. " I tell not being able to handle such warm gestures and hospitality, especially from Hans Freaking Anderson.

He doesn't say anything but sit on the chair right next to me, while Charlie serves me white rice with Balti curry and I'm not gonna lie but the aroma of this Balti curry is a pure bliss. I used to eat it everyday while I was in college. However, never got a chance to eat it here in America.

Confession No. 32 - I'm a sucker for Balti curry.

" Shall we? " He asks to which I give a simple nod and indulge in the food. With each bite I feel I'm becoming more alive. I don't care how do I look while I eat. I don't care what he thinks about me, right now it's just me and my food.

As the food reaches down my stomach, I lean backwards on the chair and an involuntary burp escapes from my mouth, making Hans grin.

How embarrassing!

Should I apologize? Or just forget past 15 seconds of my life?

Before I could come to a conclusion, a girl in brown hairs, wearing an apron, brings dessert in two tall glasses. She serves us the dessert, while I give her a small smile and look down to find what is it.

It's the Cherry Jubilee!

" You still remember? " I look up at Hans face and blurt in reflex. My voice sounded much weak and polite than i expected it to be. His gaze still set on his dessert.

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