Dear Diary - 08

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16 December, 2017
( 3 years ago)

Dear diary,

Hold your heart. Because what I'm going to tell you, there are 400% chances you'll get a heart attack.

You remember that boy I told you about few months ago, Hans.

So today we were playing tennis as usual and I almost won but then I realised my foot was an inch outside of the boundary line i.e. I lost, and Hans won the game. I'm not going to lie, I was upset. Really upset, because it was my first defeat.

But wait, get ready for the real shocker. I was sitting on the bench when Hans came to me. He didn't say anything just kissed me on my lips.

He bloody hell kissed me!

Yes yes yes. He kissed me!!!

My first ever kiss, Heavens!

My eyes widened, I was gobsmacked inside my head. I totally lost it for a minute even after he pulled away. Heavens, why the hell am I so stupid?

He was standing right in front of me smiling and instead of kissing him back, I stared at him with shocked eyes. And now I'm going to quote his exact words okay... I'm still blushing while writing it.

He said “ I won the game today but that's not what I intended to win. I wanted to win this silly nerd. ” he then held my hand in his, bent down on his knees like a prince from a Disney movie and continued, “ Will this silly nerd like to be won by this handsome boy? Will you marry me? ” he completed and I died!

I mean yes, I had a gigantic crush on him since the second I had laid eyes on him. But for heaven's sake, I never expected him to feel the same way. We're like poles apart.

He is a sucker for travelling and exploring new things and different places while I like to stay at home, sit beside my window, read a book and admire the beauty of the moon.

He's frank with everyone, even with strangers. And here my anti social arse can't even order something for myself at a restaurant. So the last thing I could expect from him is to propose me.

And when he did, I couldn't help but say Yes, a zillion times yes.

Opposite attracts. I read it somewhere but never believed the concept. It's like fancying something you don't fancy. And now I realise I had no idea about the power of love. It can drive a normal person insane and can turn an insane into a human.

Diary, I might be a writer but it's still impossible for me to pen down my feeling in words.

It feels like my life is sorted. I have no worries. You know, I had kind of accepted that I'm never going to be happy. That I'm unlovable. But that bloke has something special.

Well well I should stop now. I'm super busy, I have to plan my dream wedding as well. I don't even know about my wedding dress yet. Should I tie my hair in a bun or let them hang open? Will I make a gorgeous bride or not?

I'm very nervous but I can't wait to marry the love the my life!

Ah finally, Good night Diary.

Love Noriana.


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