Chapter 60

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👑 Mia 👑

🎁 Christmas Eve 🎁

Finally, it's Christmas Eve. I love this time of year. Even though it causes a lot of stress. Especially this year when I have to buy presents for the Kings. They already have everything so it's more let's get them duplicates. I bought all of the little presents more to thank them for the warm welcome to the family. They made it clear that we are buying presents only for our Secret Santa and small stocking stuffers. Nothing else. But I want to do something different for my first Christmas with them.

The first thing on my list is to go to the post office and check for Chris's present. I hope it came or at least will come today. And I hope I didn't get scammed. It's 6:30 and Leon's still sleeping. I wish I could have stayed in bed with him till later but duty calls. I grab my puffer jacket and boots and head downstairs.

I hear voices coming from the living room. It's Laura and Nana talking about something. I leave them alone and walk to the kitchen. I'm starving. There's a middle-aged woman in the kitchen. I haven't seen her around here before. "Good morning" I say.

"Good morning miss. How did you sleep?"

"Good thank you. I'm Mia by the way." I put my hand out for a handshake. She takes my hand "Nice to meet you, Mia. I'm Christina."

"Nice to meet you too Christina. Can I help you with something?"

"Oh no, miss. I have everything under control for the moment. Can I help you with something? I'm waiting for the pancake batter to sit for a couple of minutes. But I have prepared bacon, eggs, waffles, fruit cups, oatmeal." And she shows me each chafing dish. Or if you'd like I could make you a toast."

"Thank you but I'll just take a toast. I need to go to the post office so I'll take it on the go. Don't worry I can make it on my own."

"Miss that's why I'm here. So please let me prepare it for you."

"Please call me Mia and don't worry. Take a break before the chaos. No one will know."

"Thank you, Mia. But a toast is nothing for me. Plus I'm used to the whole Christmas morning chaos around here. I've been working for the Kings since I was 20 years old. Now would you like a BLT?" 

"Yes please." I sit on the island chairs and Christina and I talk for a little while. I learned that she has two kids and one is in NYU the other is newly married and working. She started as a helper in the kitchen and now she's the chef here. As I listen to her stories about the Kings and her family I realize I'm getting a little late. But I feel bad just getting up and leaving her alone. So as she cooks the pancakes I enjoy the spectacular BTL.

"Look at the time I'm so sorry Mia. I kept you from your errands. I feel really bad. I just don't know when to shut up in good company."

"Oh don't worry. I loved hearing your stories. Plus the sandwich was spectacular. Please write me the receipt and the steps one by one. Of course, if you can and if you can share."

"You're such a sweetheart Mia. The Kings are lucky to have you in their lives. Don't worry I will write it down for you. Now go before I start another story." We laugh and I leave the kitchen. Now time to find a cab.

I walk out of the house and a man in a uniform approaches me. "Good morning miss can I help you with something."

"Good morning. No thank you but can I help you with something?"

"Oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself I'm Aaron. I'm a chauffeur here. So should I ask again?" He said with a kind smile.

"Oh Hi. I'm Mia and yes, please. I need to go to the post office and I need to find a cab."

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