Chapter 75

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👑 Mia 👑

Finale Part 2

I get in my car as fast as possible and quickly open the garage door. As I drive away from the place I used to call home, I realize that I don't have a place to go. I pull over and connect my phone to the car and dial Nessa. She doesn't pick up. I decided to call Chris but he's busy too. And my last opportunity, I give Matt a call and he immediately picks up.

"Hey Gorgeous, what's up?"

"Matt I really need to talk to you."

"Hey, hey Mia are you okay? You can always talk to me, you know that. Where are you?"

"I'm in my car in the middle of the road and I definitely don't have a destination."

"Can you drive or should I come to get you?"

"No, I can drive. Where are we meeting?"

"Can you drive to my house or do you want to go anywhere else?"

"No, no I can drive to your house. I'll be there in 15."

"See you and please drive safely."

"Yeah, no worries. Bye."

I pull out and start driving to Matt's house. How am I going to prove that this is Leon's baby? Will Matt believe me what about Nessa and Chris? No, Mia stop thinking that. I have nothing to prove if none of them believes me that's okay. I'm gonna wait until May 1st then I'll go get a divorce and live my life away from the King's even though I'll have a little reminder of them with me all the time. I'm happy that I started university and with that diploma, I can get a job in the hotel management industry. I just need to find a state where Leon doesn't have a hotel. Only then I can live a peaceful life with this little bean. I put my hand in my belly and drive the rest of the drive to Matt's house.

After 20 minutes I was in front of his gate pressing the button to let me in when Nessa calls. I press the answer button.

"Hey girl I'm sorry for not answering but I was in a meeting. What can I do for you bitch?"

"No problem, can you come to Matt's house? I really need you here." I say as the gate opens and I drive into the driveway.

"Mia, what happened? Tell me."

"I cannot say it on the phone. So can you come or not?" I say and saw Matt standing at the front door.

"Mimi, you're scaring me are you okay? Who should I kill?" She says and that made me smile cause she's in a building full of lawyers and I imagine their faces.

"I'm okay now but can you come. And you don't need to kill anyone...right now."

"Yeah, I'll be there in 30 min tops. See you and love you."

"Love you too and drive safe. No need to speed."

"Yeah yeah bye now."

I ended the call got my things and got out of the car. Matt was still standing in the front door watching me but not in a creepy way. I climbed the stairs and Matt opens his arms and pulls me in for a hug. Which I didn't know that I needed but yeah we hugged for a couple of minutes.

"Where were you? You worried me lil sis."

"Sorry, there was traffic on the way here."

"No problem. Who were you talking to?" He says as we walk inside and into the living room.

"I was just talking to Vanessa by the way do you mind if she's coming over? I should've asked you first."

"No problem gorgeous you want something to drink?" He says as I sit down on the most comfortable couch ever. This wasn't here last time.

"Yeah, water would be nice if you don't mind." He walked into the kitchen and I lean on the couch and close my eyes for a moment. When he came back he seats next to me. I took the glass out of his hands and drank all of it. We don't talk for a while and for me that's amazing. We just sat there my head in his shoulder and his arm on my shoulder holding me tight. I'm so thankful for my friends, especially Matt. If we never met at Sophia's wedding I wouldn't have met him or we wouldn't be this close. Plus I need to thank his ex gf for that cause if she wouldn't break up with him he wouldn't ask me to dance with him. I think of how much my world changed in a year. After what felt like an hour without talking the silence was interrupted by the one and only Vanessa and Chris. I wonder what they were doing together.

"Sweetie we're here"

Matt and I look at each other then back to them. They move from the doorway and seat on the couch in front of us.

"He needed some help with some legal stuff so we were together when you called. And since you said it was important we came together. " She says and looks at him. They're still keeping this relationship a secret. And surprisingly I haven't bugged them to spill the tea. I know that someday she will tell me "Now stop talking about us and tell us who we need to kill?" they all turn to me. I inhale a long breath and exhale.

"Well long story short I'm pregnant and Leon thinks that he's not the father." Silence

Did I say something or did everything happen in my head? I look at each one but no one was reacting.

"Did you hear me or did I speak to myself?" I ask

"Ohhh Mia I'm so happy that you're having a baby." Said Chris and came to hug me.

"Yes, I'm going to be an uncle soon." Said Matt and hugged me too.

"I'll be the biological uncle but ok." says Chris.

"Well you may be connected by blood but her mother loves me more so technically I will be closer to her." Says Matt

"Her who said that's gonna be a girl?" I ask

"I know that Leon wants a lil girl even though he says that he wants a boy. Plus I have a feeling."

I smile but now it occurred to me that Vanessa was still on the other couch still shocked. I got up and seat next to her. I take one of her hands and hold it tight. She looks at me. "You're gonna have a baby?" I nodded my head and put her hand on my not existing belly. And we both smile at one another and hug it out. "My little Mimi is having a baby!!!" She says and I laugh.

After some moments talking about the baby, we got back to the important problem. Leon doesn't believe me that this is his child. After some time we decided to go to the clinic tomorrow and get the paternity test.

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Until next time xoxo,

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