Chapter 11: The time for hesitation is over

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Rays of sunlight brightened the kitchen as dawn approached, slowly inching towards Captain Kimbra who was sleeping in an uncomfortable position on a chair.  She stirs as I entered the kitchen, sitting up with a jolt.

"Celestia, is she-"

"She's fine." I respond. "We got rid of the sigil in time."

"Thank the Heavens." She sighs in relief, joining me at the table. 

"She's resting right now. But the injury to her side is still looks bad." I hand her a mug of tea. "I've called a friend. They should be here soon."

"A friend-?" Captain Kimbra starts to say but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in Quinn." I say pulling out another mug.

The door opens and Quinn steps inside, causing Captain Kimbra to stand up with a clatter, a hand on her sword.

"Quinn won't attack you. She's a friend." I pat her on the shoulder. She reluctantly moved her hand away from her sword but sits at the edge of her seat, watching Quinn's every move.

"It is good to see you boy." Quinn accepts the mug I handed her, but does not sit down. "Is Master alright?"

"She's fine for now. Resting." I rub my face. "The main problem are her wounds."


I quickly explained what we had seen last night and glossed over the forbidden sigil as Quinn's face grew darker. I knew of her hated of demons but it made Captain Kimbra extremely uneasy to see the look on her face especially after she heard what they had down to Celestia. 

"Master had contacted me with specific tasks incase something did happen." Quinn's face went back to its usual uninterested look.

"What tasks?" Captain Kimbra asks still wary of Quinn. 

"She said that if  something were to happen and she was injured; I would need to take her to the 'Land of the Witches'."

"The 'Land of the Witches'?" I lean forward.

"It is the home of all Witches." Quinn simplifies. "Only those who have succeeded in becoming a Witch are allowed to step foot there."

"So she did know that demons were going to attack." Captain Kimbra sighs, the mood a stark contrast to the sunny outdoors.

"Yes." Quinn nods. "Although that was supposed to just-in-case scenario. She did give me instructions on how to enter."

"Then lets go." I get up, but stops as Quinn shakes her head. "What?"

"You can not go."

"What do you mean I can't go?" I slammed my hand down on the table. "I am not allowing Celestia out of my sight again."

"You are not a Witch. You would not be able to set foot there."

"You are also not a Witch."

"Master gave me a special mark that a Witch is only able to give. She is unable to give another now, yes?" Quinn shows me her arm that shined on her pale skin. "If Master's condition is as you say; then we need to leave soon as possible."

I clenched my teeth, but I knew that she was right. "Then, I will go and get her then."

Captain Kimbra and Quinn stayed in the kitchen as I entered Celestia's room.  I wiped off some of the sweat on her pale face as I sighed deeply. I didn't want Celestia to leave; something was telling me that I would not see her for a long time.

Just keep her by your side. A voice whispers insides my head. She is yours now.

I was tempted to listen, but my concern for her health outweighed my obsession: at least for the moment.  But there was one thing I could do, to make sure that she came back. I gently picked up her left hand and kissed her ring finger, light shining for a moment before becoming a intricate ring with a stone the same color as my hair. I waved my hand around it, casing magic to make it stay clean and invisible.

I carefully picked her up after wrapping her in a sheet and walked back into the kitchen. Quinn holds out her arms as I placed her in them.

"Do not worry boy. She will be fine." Quinn tries to reassure me then nods at Captain Kimbra before exiting the house. I watched them disappear between the trees and felt that Captain Kimbra had followed me.

"What will you do now?" She asks, waiting for a response.

"I will become the Emperor." I could see her face getting pale out of the corner of my eye. 

I had made my mark on her and I would know immediately soon as she leaves the 'Land of the Witches'. I will no longer hesitate anymore; I will make sure that she will safe by my side.

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